MCP 2020: Missionary Fraternity of Mary
On this page you'll find information about Group 68: Missionary Fraternity of Mary
Mission Appeal Video
Please click here to view the mission appeal video from Missionary Fraternity of Mary in English
Please click here to view the mission appeal video from Missionary Fraternity of Mary in Spanish
Mission Appeal Text
Text of Mission Appeal (Word)-English
Text of Mission Appeal (Word)-Spanish
Text of Mission Appeal (PDF)-English
Text of Mission Appeal (PDF)-Spanish
Text of Mission Appeal Online--English-Click here or Scroll Down
Text of Mission Appeal Online--Spanish-Click here or Scroll Down
Mission Appeal Images
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Donation Link
We now offer a secure, online system to process your MCP donation. To donate by credit card or check to the MCP appeal for Group 68: Missionary Fraternity of Mary, click here for the English Donation page or click here for the Spanish donation page.
If you prefer to donate at Mass or through your parish, please make your check payable to your parish and mark the memo MCP Group 68. Please contact your parish office directly to inquire how to turn in your check.
Mission Appeal Text-English
Missionary Fraternity of Mary
Group 68, Missionary Cooperation Plan 2020
The Missionary Fraternity of Mary is a Society of Religious Life with diocesan right located in Guatemala City, Guatemala. The Fraternity offers young men ages 17 and beyond a chance to become agents of change within society as missionary priests.
There are 160 priests of the Missionary Fraternity of Mary working in 11 countries (Panama, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Italy, Kenya, Canada and the United States). Actually, the Fraternity is supporting the formation of 75 seminarians in different levels of formation. Most of the young men in the seminary come from very poor areas in Guatemala; they cannot afford tuition.
Our challenges are many, since we don´t have any monthly or yearly financial support from any institution in Guatemala, we continue to relay on the support of the MCP to fund our formation programs at the seminary in Guatemala. The annual cost of formation is $3,000/year per seminarian.
The Fraternity also provides youth ministry to educate young men and women, prepares them for Church and community leadership. Over 6,000 young men and women have experienced a spiritual retreat called Exodista´s Retreat. The retreats prepare and empower youth in ministry to go forth and to continue the mission in their own communities.
Together we can offer hope for a more meaningful life, not only for the young men ordained as missionary priests but for the people we serve worldwide.
Support the Missionary Fraternity of Mary in its mission to continue providing opportunities for those with a true vocation to the priesthood. Any contribution will benefit directly the formation programs for the seminarians of the Missionary Fraternity of Mary in Guatemala. I would like to thank your Bishop, the Mission Office and your pastor and you for your support, you are in our prayers and we will keep praying for you. Stay safe and healthy. Be blessed!!!
Mission Appeal Text-Spanish
Fraternidad Misionera de Maria
Grupo 68, Missionary Cooperation Plan 2020
La Fraternidad Misionera de María es una Sociedad de Vida Apostólica de derecho Diocesano fundada en Guatemala en 1985. La Fraternidad ofrece a los jóvenes de 17 años en adelante, una oportunidad de ser agentes de cambio en la sociedad como sacerdotes misioneros.
Son 160 los sacerdotes de la Fraternidad Misionera de María trabajando en 11 países (Panamá, Perú, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala, Belice, Honduras, Italia, Kenia, Canadá y Estados Unidos). Actualmente la Fraternidad tiene en formación a 75 seminaristas en diferentes niveles de formación. El reto es que muchos de los candidatos al sacerdocio vienen de familias pobres en Guatemala y no pueden pagar sus estudios.
En Guatemala no contamos con instituciones que nos puedan ayudar económicamente cada mes o cada año, es por eso que aun dependemos de el Plan de Cooperación Misionera para apoyar la formación en el seminario en Guatemala. El costo por seminarista es de $3,000 al año, quizá no sea mucho, pero para nosotros es un gran reto.
La Fraternidad también apoya la formación de hombres y mujeres jóvenes para que sean lideres en sus parroquias. Mas de 6,000 jóvenes han vivido la experiencia de retiro espiritual llamado Retiro para Exodístas. El retiro enriquece a la juventud para apoyar a otros jóvenes a tener un cambio de vida y ser lideres en sus propias parroquias.
Juntos podemos ofrecer un mejor estilo de vida, no solo para los jóvenes sacerdotes misioneros, sino también para las personas que servimos en nuestras misiones.
Ayuda a la Fraternidad Misionera de María en su misión de continuar proveyendo oportunidades a los jóvenes con vocación al sacerdocio. Su contribución será para beneficiar la formación de los seminaristas en Guatemala. Muchas gracias a su Obispo, a la Oficina de las misiones, a su sacerdote y a ustedes, por la oportunidad de compartir con ustedes nuestra labor misionera. Están en nuestras oraciones. Dios todopoderoso los bendiga.