Mission Education
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Mission Education

Mission and Education

Many Catholic educators and groups—teachers, DRE’s, youth ministers, human concerns committees, etc.—are finding creative ways to reflect and act on the call to global solidarity and to integrate international concerns into their programs and classes.  World Mission Ministries seeks to assist in this effort by providing a number of ways to help others learn about and participate in their baptismal call to mission and global understanding.

There are many different ways in which you can bring mission activities to your school or religious education program. Some of these may be through curriculum development and others may be through activities based on a specific mission project. No matter what you do, you are helping to teach our youth that by the nature of our baptism, we are all called to be missionaries!

  • Mission Education in your curriculum: There are many great resources and lesson plans that have been developed for teachers and religious educators that creatively integrate mission awareness into your classrooms. 
  • Teach the students about their sister parish in the Dominican Republic, La Sagrada Familia. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee has been in relationship with this parish for 40 years! It is through the awareness and support of our parishes, schools, and community members that La Sagrada Familia can serve 30,000 people, has built children’s nutrition centers and small pharmacies, and continues to provide needed pastoral ministry and care.
  • If your parish also has its own twinning relationship with a parish abroad, invite a member of the Human Concerns or Twinning Committee to come and talk with your students about the relationship and to get them involved.
  • Start a drive to collect items, like school supplies, for children in great need.
  • Develop international pen pal relationships with a community or parish so that both groups of students can become familiar with a different culture and connect with their brothers and sisters in another country.
  • Organize a rummage sale or another type of fundraiser to help financially support a sister parish or mission project.
  • Support mission locally! Educate your students on how local action affects global issues. 


Mission Education Resources

Your best friend when it comes to fulfilling #6
on the list of National Catechetical Guidelines:
Forming a Missionary Spirit!

World Mission Month

Students ignite their missionary hearts by learning about and acting on their call to global solidarity and mission.


World Mission Rosary

Embracing the world in prayer. Learn how to pray for and with children around the world.

Missionary Speakers

Invite a local missionary to your class and bring to life the animation of your students hearing personal testimonies of what it means to be a missionary.

Missionary Childhood Association

Fosters a missionary spirit and leadership in children and youth motivating them to share their faith and material goods, especially with children most in need. 

Making Mission Possible

Stories of how schools and parishes have reached out to others and made mission possible throughout the world.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
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Fax:  (414)  769-3408