A schedule of today's Mass times at Catholic churches in southeast Wisconsin. Refine the results to find a Mass near you with the calendar tool and filters.
Mask optional
Misa en Español / Spanish Mass
Ad Orientem
This Mass is also live streamed.
The Catholic Community of Waukesha
East Site Church Hawley Road & Bluemound
Lower Church
A celebration of Mass.
Join us at our new Mass time.
Misa en Español
A celebration of Holy Mass
8:00AM Sunday Mass
Misa en español
Mass in English
English Mass
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Live-stream can be accessed via our YouTube page at www.youtube.com/@LCYouTube/featured.
Enter using Door #3 (handicap entrance) or Door #9 (parking lot).
You are welcome to attend Mass in person or watch via live streaming (although that is not a substitute for your Sunday Mass obligation).
Please see the bulletin or parish website for more information. For the Cathedral’s Mass schedule please visit, https://www.stjohncathedral.org/index.php/schedule/. For the schedule of Masses for the Family of Five Parishes, please visit, https://www.threeholywomenparish.org/mass-times/.
East side door special needs accessible.
Please check the parish website for Holy Days and Holidays.
Celebration of the Mass is typically offered every Sunday. Please see the bulletin for any changes or exceptions at www.sheart.org/publications.
Confessions from 9:15 am - 9:45 am
English Mass / Misa en inglés
Spanish Mass/Misa en Español
Interpreted Mass for deaf and hard of hearing on the third Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
This is our regular, weekly Sunday Mass time. If there is a holiday on Sunday, please check the calendar for special Mass times.
In Spanish
Religious Education Mass
Sunday Mass in Spanish (misa en espanol)
We offer a Praise Mass the second full weekend of each month, excluding Advent and Lent. Our facilities are handicap accessible. Mass is also available via Zoom for those with underlying health conditions that preclude them from attending in person. Contact stbernadette@nwmcp.org to be put on the e-mail list to receive the Zoom Mass login information each week.
10:30AM Sunday Mass
English Mass / Misa en Inglés
Spanish Mass
Mass in Spanish
Mass in Vietnamese
This mass is in Spanish
Messe en Français
Misa en español ofrecida ad orientem.
Spanish / Misa en Español.
See Website for 5pm exceptions
Brew City Catholic college student Mass with adoration from 5-5:30 pm.
Provider/Station WVTV/My24 - Channel 24 Sunday at 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM
WITI/Fox - Channel 6 Sunday at 5:30 AM
or watch online
Heart of the Nation Online Mass
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3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235