GalileeU (Adult Formation)
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Have you met Jesus Christ?

Have you made his mission your mission?

Do you want to better contribute to your parish's mission to share the Good News?

Have you been wondering how you can share our faith with your family and friends?


Welcome to GalileeU.

A place to encounter Jesus and learn how to live, know, and share our Catholic faith.


Let the journey begin!


Click here to see our GalileeU events & offerings

Learn from the Master.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." There is better model of how to live an extraordinary Catholic life! And so, we want to encourage you to learn more from the Master about how to live, know, and share our faith. Through attending a GalileeU session and taking advantage of our unique retreat opportunities, we hope that everyone who attends GalileeU leaves renewed in their own walk with Jesus Christ, inspired and equipped to confidently live, defend, and share their faith with those around them.


Why GalileeU?

Eighty percent of Jesus’ public ministry took place in the region of Galilee where he called ordinary fishermen to become transformed disciples spreading the Gospel. Galilee is where Jesus called his disciples to follow him, where he formed them to live as his disciples, and also where he sent them out into the world to share his love with the world. In this spirit, GalileeU is designed for Catholics in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to experience that same "Galilee" transformation. 


Make Jesus' Mission Yours

Each Catholic seeking to grow more in our faith ought to take seriously the task of sharing our faith with others. Through a deepening in the knowledge of the faith, powerful trainings in sharing the Gospel, and opportunities to encounter and learn from the Master, those attending a GalileeU session or retreat will experience a deepening of their own faith, while also becoming more confident and equipped to bring Christ’s saving message to their families, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

My Parish Matters


Jesus invites each of us into the adventure of an extraordinary life with him. Learn how to extend this invitation at My Parish Matters, a training on sharing the Gospel with people you care about and inviting them into your parish community.

Come on your own or with a group of leaders from your parish for a morning of inspiration, practical training, and prayer.  

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Called & Gifted


In your Baptism and Confirmation you received gifts that our world needs. Do you know yours?

These gifts of the Holy Spirit, called charisms, are important clues to the particular mission God has for you. Join over 100,000 Catholics around the world who have begun to discern their charisms through the Catherine of Sienna Institute's Called & Gifted workshop


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Healing the Whole Person


As we grow in relationship with God, we discover our woundedness and accompany the wounded. This encounter offers formation on receiving God’s healing and peace through the sacramental life of the Catholic Church.

Healing the Whole Person is a ministry of The John Paul II Healing Center hosted by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee as regular offering of GalileeU.


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Devoted Retreat Series


Every Catholic marriage and Catholic family needs moments of enrichment, renewal, and a deeper understanding having Christ at the center.

These "mini-retreats" and workshops are designed to help married couples encounter Christ in a deeper way through the great gift of their sacramental marriage.

Retreat and workshop themes include: Theology of the Body, Forgiveness, Parenting, Motherhood, and Fatherhood.

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GalileeU Small Group Facilitator Training Sessions


GalileeU sessions are 90-minute weeknight sessions that provide interactive learning experiences to help you grow in your ability to share, live, or deeply know your Catholic faith on a variety of relevant topics.

These training sessions are opportunities for you to go deeper in your faith and learn how to share your faith with small groups, friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors.


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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

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