The New Mission Statement for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee
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Mission Statement

The New Mission Statement for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Mission Statement of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through his saving death and resurrection by calling, forming and sending disciples to go and make new disciples.

As a people, we are called to encounter Jesus and grow as disciples through the sacramental life of the Church.

Declaración de la misión de la Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee

Proclamar el Evangelio de la muerte salvadora y resurrección de Jesucristo a través del llamamiento, formación y envío de discípulos para ir y hacer nuevos discípulos.

Como pueblo, estamos llamados a encontrarnos con Jesús y crecer como discípulos a través de la vida sacramental de la Iglesia.

General Statistics

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee was established on November 28, 1843, and was created an archbishopric on February 12,1875.

The archdiocese covers 4,758 square miles in southeast Wisconsin and includes the following counties: Dodge, Fond du Lac, Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington and Waukesha.

Parishes - current as of November 2019

Total number of parishes: 189
Registered Catholics: 533,962
Total population in southeastern Wisconsin: 2,354,807

Sacramental information - current as of November 2018

Baptisms: 6,099  [5,590 (ages 0 to 7); 509 (ages 7 and over)]
First Eucharist: 5,293
Confirmations: 4,469
Marriages: 1,404 [1,083 (Catholic); 321 (Interfaith)]
Deaths: 4,384

Religious Personnel - current as of November 2019

Diocesan Priests: 291
    Active:     140 - (12 released to other dioceses; 1 foreign mission)
    Retired:  152 - (Includes senior priests; unassignable)
Religious Order/Extern Priests: 393
Religious Order Brothers: 65
Women Religious: 1,173
Permanent Deacons: 176

Diocesan Seminary - current as of November 2019

Saint Francis de Sales Seminary
    Number of seminarians: 37 (4 studying elsewhere)

Catholic Education - current as of November 2019

    Catholic elementary schools: 92
    Elementary school enrollment: 24,925

   Catholic high schools: 17
   High school enrollment: 8,063

   Catholic colleges and universities: 5
   College and university enrollment: 19,100   

Religious Education - current as of November 2019

    Elementary school program enrollment: 24,914
    High school program enrollment: 9,582

Other Catholic Entities - current as of November 2019

    Catholic Hospitals: 12
    Catholic Cemeteries: 8

Source: Chancery Office-Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Listed figures were submitted for the 2019 Official Catholic Directory published by P.J. Kenedy & Sons, New Providence, NJ (unless indicated otherwise).

Page updated September 23, 2020


More than 500,000 people see a positive difference in their lives every day through the ministries of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. In this annual report we celebrate all that we do as the Catholic Church in southeastern Wisconsin to continually renew faith, hope and love.

Archdiocesan Annual Report 2021



Susan L. McNeil, M.Div. 
Director, Department for Catholic Social Responsibility
Director, Office for Lay Ministry
Director, Synod Implementation


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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408