Prayer and Care for Those Who Have Died

Prayer and Care for Those Who Have Died


Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee offers at no charge, to anyone, of any faith, who has cremated remains at home or is considering scattering, the dignified committal of the remains at any of our cemeteries. The committal will occur at the All-Souls Remembrance Crypt and then the remains will be permanently interred within the consecrated grounds of the Catholic Cemetery.
Highlights of the Program: 

  • Free placement in the Remembrance Crypt available at our Archdiocesan Cemeteries 
  • A committal service from the Order of Christian Funerals 
  • A permanent recordation of interment as well as an optional cenotaph for memorialization 
  • Remains always stay within consecrated grounds 
  • Open to all funeral homes 
  • Open to all faiths 

Please call Mary Thiel at 925-963-6840 or email at with questions or to schedule to placement of your loved one at one of the following locations.

  • All Saints Cemetery & Mausoleum 
  • Holy Cross Cemetery & Mausoleum 
  • Mount Olivet Cemetery & Mausoleum 
  • Saint Adalbert Cemetery & Mausoleum 
  • Calvary Cemetery & Mausoleum 
  • Holy Trinity Cemetery 
  • Resurrection Cemetery & Mausoleum 
  • Saint Joseph Cemetery & Mausoleum
  • Precious Lives Program

Separate from the ALL SOULS program, the CFCS Precious Lives Program is a charitable mission program designed to alleviate almost all the major expenses the family will face. Allowing the family to focus on faith, grief, and their family during this incredibly difficult time. The CFCS Precious Lives Program is also designed to assist hospitals with providing sacred interment for the death of an unborn child.

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” —MATTHEW 5:4

Precious Lives Brochure

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