Pontifical Mission Societies
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Pontifical Mission Societies

Page about Pontifical Mission Societies, Society for the Propagation of the Faith.

The Pontifical Mission Societies

The Pontifical Mission Societies have, as their primary purpose, the promotion of a universal missionary spirit – a spirit of prayer and sacrifice – among all baptized Catholics and to gather support for the worldwide mission of the Church. The four individual Societies are seen below.

1. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith
The Propagation of the Faith seeks prayer, sacrifice and financial support for the Church’s missionary work, and provides ongoing help for the pastoral and evangelizing programs of the Church in Africa, Asia, and the islands of the Pacific and remote regions of Latin America. This includes aid for the education and support of seminarians, religious novices and lay catechists; for the work of religious communities in education, health care and social services; for the communication and transportation needs, and for disaster and emergency relief, when necessary. Today the General Fund of the Propagation of the Faith, which gathers gifts from Catholics all over the world, is the basic means of support for the Catholic Church’s worldwide Missions.

The Society for the Propagation of the Faith accepts contributions towards the support of mission, as well as for mass stipends, and Perpetual Memorials for living and deceased persons.

2. Society of St. Peter Apostle
The Society of St. Peter Apostle encourages prayer and financial help for vocations to the priesthood and religious life in the missions. The goal of this society is to invite individuals to support the education of candidates for the Catholic priesthood in the Developing World and to support the formation of women and men candidates for the religious life in the missions.

3. Missionary Childhood Association
The Missionary Childhood Association (MCA) offers young Catholics and their families opportunities to respond to the call to share our faith - to missionary discipleship - first heard at baptism.

4. Missionary Union of Priests and Religious
The Missionary Union is a spiritual apostolate that informs and forms priests, religious women and men, pastoral leaders and those responsible for catechesis and religious education so that they may better animate others in the missionary spirit.

Update From Pontifical Mission Societies in Haiti

Father Clarck De La Cruz, National Director of PMS in Haiti, sends his greetings to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and thanks us for support during a very difficult time in his country. His office is continuing to minister to the Haitians and each weekend they visit various tent communities, pray with the people and distribute necessary food and medical supplies.








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