Parish & School Support
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Parish & School Support

Archdiocesan offices that support the planning and administration of parishes and schools.

These archdiocesan offices support the planning, liturgical life and administration of parishes.

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Archdiocesan Synod

Implementation of a renewed vision and plan on how we can work together to implement the archbishop’s pastoral priorities of Catholic Identity, Evangelization, and Stewardship.

Catholic Stewardship Appeal

Annual appeal provides more than one-quarter of the archdiocesan budget.

Health Insurance Information

Health Insurance Enrollment Materials and Documents

Lay Pension

Assists employees of the archdiocese with their retirement.

Missionary Planning and Leadership

Equipping Leaders and Parishes for Making Disciples

Parish & School Financial Consulting

Provides advice and recommendations regarding record keeping and procedures for handling parish monies.

Parish and School Human Resources

Facilitates personnel issues for parish and school leadership and employees.

Parish Stewardship

Serves parish leadership in their efforts to educate their community about the concept of true stewardship.

School Development

School Development staff serve pastors, presidents, principals, development staff and volunteers in our Catholic elementary and high schools.

Worship Office

A resource for the liturgical life of the people of the archdiocese.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408