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On November 24, 2019, as part of the Closing Mass for the 175th Anniversary of the Archdiocese, Archbishop Listecki established the Order of Catechists to recognize and lift up the importance of catechetical leadership in the archdiocese. The Order of Catechists flows out of Synod priorities in the area Formation.
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council surveyed Pastoral Council leaders in their deaneries to see how effective Synod resources and conferences were in their parishes.
This report indicates the initial responses to all 56 of the initiatives that were discerned at the 2014 Archdiocesan Synod. This is a “Working Document” and items will be added as more responses to Synod initiatives are implemented.
Written by Grace Urbanski, this is a booklet with activities and suggestions for how parents can help understand, connect and celebrate Mass with their children.
Evangelization and the Sunday Mass - a vision for evangelization and worship in the archdiocese as well as Mass Teaching Resources.
Our focus on moving from "maintenance to mission" was continued with this Leadership Conference focusing on the Spirituality of Stewardship. Stewardship is so much more than financial giving. Stewardship, evangelization and discipleship all go hand in hand. Videos, PowerPoints and handouts from the conference presentations are included here.
Watch the three presentations from the Leadership Gathering held at the Archbishop Cousins Catholic Center on September 30, 2016.
The PowerPoint presentations and handouts that were used at the Leadership Gatherings on September 30 and October 1, 2016.
Read the previous Archdiocese of Milwaukee's Synod Implementation Bulletin Newsletters.
Evangelization and Technology Go Hand in Hand. We have so many ways to reach out to people – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are only a handful of vehicles you can use to share the message of Jesus with others.
This event celebrated the implementation of the archdiocesan Synod; what we have begun and look to where we are going in the future. It introduced two new videos: "Mass: The Heart of the Matter" and "A New Mission for a Missionary People."
Videos were produced for the Synod as well as District Gatherings and Parish/Cluster Reflection Sessions leading up to the Synod.
The New Mission Statement for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Archdiocesan Synod Implementation Commission (ASIC) Members
Prayer for the Mission of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
PowerPoints, hand-outs and CARA report discussed at Synod Implementation District Gatherings in February 2015.
Synod delegates voted on top Key Initiatives in eight main Mission Areas. Results of the voting are available here.
Hundreds of Catholics gathered for the Archdiocesan Synod, June 6-8, 2014 to determine the priorities for the next decade and beyond.