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Archdiocesan Synod

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Synod provides our faith community the opportunity to implement the archbishop’s pastoral priorities of Catholic Identity, Evangelization and Stewardship.

Church On Mission: The Synod Calls Us Forward

Synod Anniversary Event - October 23, 2021

This event is for all key leaders from parishes, schools, and Catholic institutions and organization leaders.  It will feature Archbishop Jerome Listecki and Bishop Donald Hying focusing on the Mission that ignited the 2014 Archdiocesan Synod, the fruits that have come from the Synod, how we continue to be led by the Holy Spirit, and what Archbishop Listecki would like to accomplish in his final years as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.  A complete schedule and registration form can be found on the Synod Anniversary Event webpage. Please direct questions to Rosalita Villa, or 414-758-2217.


Iglesia en misión: El Sínodo Nos Llama a Avanzar

Evento del aniversario del Sínodo

Este evento es para todos los líderes claves de parroquias, escuelas, instituciones católicas y líderes de organizaciones. Contará con presentaciones del arzobispo Jerome Listecki y el obispo Donald Hying centrándose en la misión que impulsó el Sínodo Arquidiocesano de 2014, los frutos que surgieron del Sínodo, cómo seguimos siendo guiados por el Espíritu Santo, y lo que el arzobispo Listecki quisiera lograr en sus últimos años como arzobispo de la Arquidiócesis de Milwaukee.  Puede obtener un horario completo y una forma de inscripción AQUÍ.  Preguntas: Comuníquese con Rosalita Villa, o al 414-758-2217.

Church on Mission – Fruits of the Synod 2015-2020

The 2014 Synod called for by Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki was a bold move to trust the Holy Spirit to guide us towards a spiritual renewal and compelling vision for the future.  This booklet looks at the mission that continues to guide us and the “Movements of the Synod Story” as well as the “Fruits of the Synod.” 

English         Español

Pastoral Letter - ​WHO do you say that I AM?


Synodal Declaration (2014)  

In January 2013, Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki wrote his first pastoral Letter on ecclesiology which set the foundation for an Archdiocesan Synod. Parish sessions were held in the fall of 2013, followed by district gatherings in February of 2014 with the actual Synod held on Pentecost Weekend, June 6-8, 2014.

Following the Archdiocesan Synod, a new mission statement was issued for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. This mission statement guides our work for implementing the Synod initiatives:

To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through his saving death and resurrection by calling, forming and sending disciples to go and make new disciples. As a people, we are called to encounter Jesus and grow as disciples through the sacramental life of the Church.

The Gift of Sunday

Two of the main priorities discerned at the 2014 Archdiocesan Synod were Evangelization and the Sunday Mass.  Archbishop Listecki has announced the Gift of Sunday Mass Initiative to reenergize our local Church and reconnect to top priorities from the 2014 Archdiocesan Synod. This plan's aim will be around Sunday Mass, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and reclaiming Sunday as the Lord's Day. The foundation of this initiative is the Archbishop's theological reflection, The Gift of Sunday, which was published on January 25, 2021. The reflection is available online, along with a study guide for further discussion and reflection.  

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Order of Catechists Video

On November 24, 2019, as part of the Closing Mass for the 175th Anniversary of the Archdiocese, Archbishop Listecki established the Order of Catechists to recognize and lift up the importance of catechetical leadership in the archdiocese. The Order of Catechists flows out of Synod priorities in the area Formation.

Parish Survey on Synod Implementation - Archdiocesan Pastoral Council

The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council surveyed Pastoral Council leaders in their deaneries to see how effective Synod resources and conferences were in their parishes.

Implementation of Synod Initiatives, October 2017

This report indicates the initial responses to all 56 of the initiatives that were discerned at the 2014 Archdiocesan Synod. This is a “Working Document” and items will be added as more responses to Synod initiatives are implemented.

Whispers in the Pew (2017)

Written by Grace Urbanski, this is a booklet with activities and suggestions for how parents can help understand, connect and celebrate Mass with their children.

A Vision for the Future (2016)

Evangelization and the Sunday Mass - a vision for evangelization and worship in the archdiocese as well as Mass Teaching Resources.

2017 Spirituality of Stewardship Leadership Conference

Our focus on moving from "maintenance to mission" was continued with this Leadership Conference focusing on the Spirituality of Stewardship. Stewardship is so much more than financial giving. Stewardship, evangelization and discipleship all go hand in hand. Videos, PowerPoints and handouts from the conference presentations are included here.

2016 Leadership Gathering Videos

Watch the three presentations from the Leadership Gathering held at the Archbishop Cousins Catholic Center on September 30, 2016.

2016 Leadership Gathering Power Points & Handouts

The PowerPoint presentations and handouts that were used at the Leadership Gatherings on September 30 and October 1, 2016.

Synod Implementation Newsletters (2016 + 2017)

Read the previous Archdiocese of Milwaukee's Synod Implementation Bulletin Newsletters.

iEvangelizeMKE (2015)

Evangelization and Technology Go Hand in Hand. We have so many ways to reach out to people – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are only a handful of vehicles you can use to share the message of Jesus with others.

2015 Return to the Upper Room Videos

This event celebrated the implementation of the archdiocesan Synod; what we have begun and look to where we are going in the future. It introduced two new videos: "Mass: The Heart of the Matter" and "A New Mission for a Missionary People."

Synod Videos

Videos were produced for the Synod as well as District Gatherings and Parish/Cluster Reflection Sessions leading up to the Synod.

Mission Statement

The New Mission Statement for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Synod Implementation Commission

Archdiocesan Synod Implementation Commission (ASIC) Members

Synod Implementation Prayer Resources

Prayer for the Mission of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Synod Implementation District Gatherings 2015 - Resources

PowerPoints, hand-outs and CARA report discussed at Synod Implementation District Gatherings in February 2015.

Synod Results

Synod delegates voted on top Key Initiatives in eight main Mission Areas. Results of the voting are available here.

Synod Event 2014

Hundreds of Catholics gathered for the Archdiocesan Synod, June 6-8, 2014 to determine the priorities for the next decade and beyond.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408