This event celebrated the implementation of the archdiocesan Synod; what we have begun and look to where we are going in the future. It introduced two new videos: "Mass: The Heart of the Matter" and "A New Mission for a Missionary People."
Return to the Upper Room was held on June 14, 2015 to celebrate the first-year anniversary of the Archdiocesan Synod. This event included two new videos, a welcome by Bishop Hying and presentations by Archbishop Listecki and others regarding what has begun this past year and future plans for Synod implementation.
Video connecting us to Jesus's Great Commission to the disciples and the new mission statement for the archdiocese: "Proclaim Christ and Make Disciples through the Sacramental Life of the Church."
English | English w/subtitles | Español
A powerful story that connects to Evangelization and the Sunday Mass - the initial priority of the Synod.
Archbishop Listecki talks about what has happened since the Synod and where the Holy Spirit is taking us.
Bishop Hying sends his greetings and wishes everyone well as we move forward in implementing the priorities of the Synod.
Rich Harter discusses how the new mission statement for the archdiocese guides our future work.
Randy Nohl gives an update on the implementation of the archdiocesan Synod.
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Susan L. McNeil, M.Div. Director, Department for Catholic Social Responsibility Director, Office for Lay Ministry Director, Synod Implementation 414-758-2214
3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235