Whispers in the Pew (2017)
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Whispers in the Pew (2017)

Written by Grace Urbanski, this is a booklet with activities and suggestions for how parents can help understand, connect and celebrate Mass with their children.

Helpful ways to understand, connect and celebrate Mass with your children

Whispers in the Pew – articles written by Grace Urbanski and previously featured in the Family Section of the Catholic Herald. These articles have been compiled into a booklet, along with activities and further suggestions for how parents can help understand, connect and celebrate Mass with their children. 

For copies of this booklet, contact: Rosalita Villa, villar@archmil.org or 414-758-2217.

Printable Version

eReader Version




Susan L. McNeil, M.Div. 
Director, Department for Catholic Social Responsibility
Director, Office for Lay Ministry
Director, Synod Implementation


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