Synod Implementation District Gatherings 2015 - Resources
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Synod Implementation District Gatherings 2015 - Resources

PowerPoints, hand-outs and CARA report discussed at Synod Implementation District Gatherings in February 2015.

District gatherings for Synod implementation will be held throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee beginning February 2015. These meetings will discuss:

  • Your District Now and in the Future
  • How We Need to be Structured for the Future – end of preliminary 2020 planning
  • Mission for the Future – the first areas of Synod implementation

The following resources are materials that will be shared during those meetings. 

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CARA Report

In Summer 2014 the Archdiocese of Milwaukee commissioned the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) to produce a demographic analysis of its Catholic population.

Documentos en Español – Reuniones de Distritos

Cuatro documentos en español de las reuniones de distrito que corresponden a la implementación del Sínodo.

Handouts - District Gatherings

Handouts that have been created for district gatherings.

PowerPoint by Presentations - District Gatherings

The PowerPoint from the Synod Implementation District Gatherings.

Prayer for the Mission of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

The Archdiocesan Synod and everything that led up to it was all grounded in prayer. We now want to root the Synod implementation process in this spirit of prayer as well.

Seven Trends - Standup Survey

Seven main trends for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee were presented at the Synod Implementation District Gatherings in February 2015. These trends came from the CARA Report that was produced for the archdiocese.

Synod Implementation Prayer Resources

Prayer for the Mission of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.




Susan L. McNeil, M.Div. 
Director, Department for Catholic Social Responsibility
Director, Office for Lay Ministry
Director, Synod Implementation


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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

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