Synod Results
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Synod Results

Synod delegates voted on top Key Initiatives in eight main Mission Areas. Results of the voting are available here.

Hundreds of Catholics representing more than 200 parishes, schools and Catholic organizations throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee gathered the weekend of June 6-8 for “Synod 2014” to deliberate on and determine the priorities of the Catholic Church in southeastern Wisconsin for the next decade and beyond. Below are graphs of the voting results. For a full description of the Key Initiatives and voting percentages, click here.






Susan L. McNeil, M.Div. 
Director, Department for Catholic Social Responsibility
Director, Office for Lay Ministry
Director, Synod Implementation


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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408