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Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s

Catechetical Conference

August 22-24, 2024


Presentations & Handouts


Please see resources and handouts as shared by our presenters below. They are organized by date and presentation. We will add more when/if we receive them from our presenters!

Note: All materials should be treated as the personal intellectual property of the presenter. Any use is strictly limited to personal enrichment, and should not be shared, copied, or represented without explicit permission from the presenter or publisher of the material.


The Way of Beauty

On the Theme of The Way of Beauty

Thursday, August 22

Renewing Initiation Ministry (4-part Track) | Dr. Stella Marie Jeffrey

Adapting Programs for Special Needs (2-part Track) | Megan Wedwick

The Art of Conflict and Interpersonal Issue Resolution | Judy Shownkeen

The Science of Relational Faith Formation (2-part Track) | Jarrett Wendt

Friday, August 23

​Entering the Great Story/The Medium is the Message | Bill Donaghy

Filling Your Cup | Grace Mazza Urbanski


Saturday, August 24

​The Neuro-Divergent Classroom (IREP blank form) | Christina Spindler

Planning a Lesson | Lisa Jachimiec

Leading a Small Group 101 (for teens) | Meaghan Turner

Catechist Spirituality | Grace Mazza Urbanski

Adult Evangelization & Small Groups (3-part Track) | Andre Lesperance






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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408