Three Holy Women and Padibe, Uganda
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Three Holy Women and Padibe, Uganda


Three Holy Women and Padibe, Uganda


Three Holy Women Parish has been in a relationship with Padibe, Uganda for many years, working together primarily on education and medical care issues.

Please visit the Three Holy Women page or their dedicated parish twinning site for more information.

Recent Stories from Deacon Gary and Dr. Cindy Nosacek's 2024 January Visit to Uganda.

Thank you for supporting our parish twinning relationship so these ministries can continue!


Dental Updates

Written by Dr. Cindy Nosacek

David Ocan, the dental officer we sent through school, started working January 3. There was a delay in starting due to the need to pipe water to his exam room. Sr. Rosalba also had the room painted and repaired a dental chair that Sr. Gabriella had sent from the US. The portable dental chair will be used when he goes out to other villages.

David saw 5 patients on his first day, 10 the second, and 11 today.  This is just by word of mouth.  This weekend there will be an announcement in all the churches and chapels in the area.  Considering he is the only dentist for the whole district (150,000 people), he should soon have all the business he can handle.

Enjoying Eachother's Company in Solidarity

Written by Deacon Gary


Each afternoon Father Joseph, the other deacon and I sit on the rectory porch doing nothing. Actually, we are waiting for people to drop by for a brief visit and talk. It’s very important here to just be available in case somebody wants to talk. Sometimes it’s about important things, but most of the time they just want to know that we want to be with them.


Likewise, the other deacon has Cindy and I go for a walk with him in the late afternoon after visiting time. It’s well known in these parts that some visitors do not want to walk around the community. Rather, various groups like the UN, USAID, and many of the charities will enter the community areas in their big fancy trucks, meet with a few community 'big shots' and then drive out again. Having us walk makes a BIG impression. In fact as we walk, little children will follow us for a bit and the adults all wave and smile. It’s clear to them that Global Solidarity is part of the community.

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