MCP 2021: Sisters of the Divine Savior
On this page you'll find information about Group 61: Sisters of the Divine Savior
Mission Appeal Video
Please click here to view the mission appeal video from Sisters of the Divine Savior
Mission Appeal Text
Text of Mission Appeal (Word)
Text of Mission Appeal (PDF)
Text of Mission Appeal Online--Click here or Scroll Down
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Donation Link
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Mission Appeal Text
Sisters of the Divine Savior
Group 61, Missionary Cooperation Plan 2021
Sisters of the Divine Savior, also known as Salvatorian Sisters, live out our mission to make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus. We were founded in 1888 in Tivoli, Italy by Blessed* Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan and Blessed Mary of the Apostles. Today, we number 950 sisters on five continents in 26 countries. In impoverished lands, Salvatorian Sisters strive to empower their local people to develop their own resources. They depend on the generosity of people like you to support their ministries. Here are a few examples:
In Democratic Republic of Congo, education holds a promise to open minds, instill dignity and empower people who struggle to survive amid poverty and political unrest. For more than 50 years, our sisters have served in this country once known as Zaire in Central Africa. In the Diocese of Kolwezi, our sisters operate nutrition clinics, dispensaries, two rural hospitals, three maternity facilities and a school. Salvator School opened in 2002 and has continued to add classes up through grade 12.
Who would associate “life giving waters” with a concrete swimming pool? Salvatorian Sisters in Fortaleza, Brazil attest to the power of a pool at the community center known as CEFORDS. CEFORDS is located on the city’s outskirts where jobs and transportation are lacking. The pool is a gathering place for all good things happening there. It is used for hydrotherapy by elderly people and disabled children, and swimming lessons for children and young adults. CEFORDS also offers training in computer science, computer maintenance and classes in the arts. Women of all ages learn handicrafts, and benefit from art therapy and psychotherapy.
Salvatorian Sisters in India saw the need to transform a long-held cultural attitude toward persons with mental and physical disabilities. Thirty years ago, families were afraid to accept their children with developmental or physical disorders. Our Sathirthya Special School in Kerala, India has changed attitudes by giving families a support system and a reason to celebrate their special children. The dedicated sisters and staff give families hope that their loved ones with special needs can reach their highest potential for independence.
When the 25-year civil war ended in Sri Lanka, Sisters of the Divine Savior opened a home to care for girls who lost their families and homes amid the destruction. They work to instill dignity and hope in children who have suffered so much in their short lives. The Salvatorian Sisters’ mission in Sri Lanka was founded in 1954. Today our sisters actively minister in teaching, nursing, vocation formation, pastoral care, and housing initiatives for their “roofless” people.
Cebu City is one of Philippines’ oldest cities. Our Salvatorian School there includes students from middle-income families, but many others live hand-to-mouth. Our Filipina Sisters say, “Learning equals living.” They are committed to help families lift themselves out of poverty through education. The sisters teach pre-school age children in a warm, nurturing setting to lay the groundwork for success at a very young age.
The Sisters of the Divine Savior are deeply grateful for this opportunity to share about our global missions. We hope what you’ve read here will draw you closer to God’s people who are most in need of support through your prayers and gifts.
*Beatified on May 15, 2021