Ordained and Lay Ecclesial Ministry
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Ordained and Lay Ecclesial Ministry

Supports personnel needs and special issues related to diocesan priests, deacons and lay ecclesial ministers.

Office for Ordained and Lay Ecclesial Ministry

The Office for Ordained and Lay Ecclesial Ministry serves the personnel needs and address any special issues related to diocesan priests, deacons and lay ecclesial ministers. The vicar and the director oversee the work of the department in providing personnel services for the priests, deacons and lay ecclesial ministers of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Some of these responsibilities include administering policies pertaining to assignment of priests, deacons and lay ecclesial ministers, wellness issues, coordinating the New Pastors Program, coordinating the mentoring program for newly ordained priests and parish directors and providing access to a variety of retreats and continuing formation opportunities for priests and deacons. The Services for Senior Priests’ Office helps priests adjust to retirement by assisting them with housing, health care or other concerns to them or their families.

Spring Pastoral Assignments

Spring Pastoral Assignments will be available soon.

Wellness Council

The Wellness Council provides a plan for a wellness program for priests. 

Cincture Newsletter

An informative newsletter for priests and parish directors of the archdiocese.

Catholic Leadership Institute

The archdiocese has partnered with CLI so that our parishes can participate in the Disciple Maker Index survey.

Priests' Pension Plan

This summary booklet is designed to answer frequently asked questions regarding the pension plan. Current through June 30, 2023. 

Priestly Ministry Resources

PDF resource for priestly ministry in the face of concerns about sexual abuse in the Church. 

Priest Death Notice

Reverend Robert Alexander Skeris died February 18, 2025

Reverend George Michael Rebatzki died February 8, 2025


Fall Day for Priests and Parish Directors

September 19, 2023

The Devastation of Addition and the Hope of Recovery:  Helping People Rediscover Their Dignity
Presenter:  Father Brian Mason, Priest from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

Blood Alcohol Content Table

Fact Sheet for Professionals (Information about Al-Anon & Alateen)

Fact Sheet for Professionals (Information about Al-Anon & Alateen) - Spanish

Information on Alcoholics Anonymous

Frequently Asked Questions

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  How do I get the Priest help-out listing?

Please contact Jodi Bowers in the Office for Ordained and Lay Ecclesial Ministry for the help-out list.



  We like our pastor and we want to keep him. Why does he have to move?

It is easy for any leader to "fall into a rut" if he stays too long in one leadership position. Change in leadership is a means of injecting a new challenge into a priest's life and new creativity into a parish.

Among all of the parishes in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, there are great differences in responsibilities and expectations of the priest. A system of rotation of the priests allows all priests to share in the greater or lesser workloads of the various parishes.

Because a certain amount of appraisal is involved in the re-appointment process, a system of rotation ensures that the priests will evaluate their performance.

  What are the reasons for a Term of Office policy for priests?

Some priests, even when they know they ought to move on, find it difficult to ask for a transfer. A routine Term of Office policy makes it easier for such priests.

With a declining number of priests, it is possible for priests and people alike to "dig in" and keep their status quo at the expense of other parishes with equal or greater pastoral needs. A routine system of rotation ensures that there will be priests available for parish merger situations and shared pastor situations.

The policy makes it easier for the Archbishop to deal with problematic transfers and at the same time it is a face-saving method for both the bishop and the pastor.

  Why are some priests exempt from the term of office policy?

In the old code of Canon Law, a pastor was appointed for life to a parish. When the Archdiocese of Milwaukee adopted the Term of Office policy in 1980, any pastor who had already been appointed could stay in his parish for life. If a pastor chose to move to another assignment, then he became subject to the new Term of Office policy. There are still 9 priests who are "grandfathered" under this old law. Like any priest, they may retire at age 68. But at 75, they must submit their letter of retirement to the Archbishop. Some of these men are scheduled to retire soon; others have up to 5 years before the mandatory age of 75 for retirement.

Secondly, there are four reasons why a pastor might receive an extension beyond his two terms of office (six years each). They are outlined in the Clergy Manual. They are: 1) the needs of the parish in light of other staff changes; 2) the priest is within one or two years of retirement; 3) special or major events or projects in the parish; and 4) needs of the collaborative projects and models in the Archdiocese.

Vicar for Ordained and Lay Ecclesial Ministry

Very Rev. Nathan Reesman
Vicar for Clergy

Jodi Bowers
Administrative Assistant


Minister to Priests

Rev. Alan Veik, OFMCap
House of Peace Community
1702 W Walnut St
Milwaukee, WI 53205


Priest Placement Board

Brenda Cline
Director of Priest Placement and the Lay Initiative


Services for Senior Priests

Very Rev. James Lobacz
Vicar For Senior Priests


Deacon Services

Deacon Jim Starke
Director of Deacon Services


Continuing Formation of Clergy

Deacon Kurt Peot

Jodi Bowers
Administrative Assistant

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408