Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Page 2024
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Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Page


Emmaus 90

English | Español


“Were not our hearts burning within us?”
| Luke 24:32 |


Welcome to the Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Page! Use this page to access resources and formation sessions for your Emmaus 90 journey.

For the next 90 days, walk with fellow disciples along the Emmaus journey and learn to recognize Jesus drawing near, speaking through the Scriptures, and opening your eyes to reveal himself in the Eucharist, so that he can inspire and equip you for his mission as a Eucharistic missionary.


Guidebook & Materials

The Emmaus 90 Guidebook contains everything you need for our 90-day journey together, including:

Daily scripture passages
Prayer guides
Discussion questions
Formation schedule

Pilgrims who registered by December 10 should have received the Guidebook by mail. All Pilgrims can access electronic copies of our Guidebooks below.

Pilgrim Guidebook ENGLISH - PDFPilgrim Guidebook SPANISH - PDF

Family Guide ENGLISH - PDFFamily Guide SPANISH - PDF

The Emmaus 90 Family Guide is a short booklet available electronically as a PDF that helps parents understand how to adapt Emmaus 90 practices & pilgrim group discussions for their family. For families with children, it provides helpful tips on how to adapt Emmaus 90 practices and formation to your children's developmental ages and stages.


15 Minute Emmaus 90 Daily Prayer with Scripture Audio Guide

5 Minute Emmaus 90 Daily Examen Audio Guide

15 minute Emmaus 90 Daily Prayer with Scripture (ASL Interpreted)


Weekly Formation Sessions

Formation Session Livestream

Watch our weekly Formation Sessions by Zoom on Thursdays at 7:00PM in English and American Sign Language at:


You do not need to pay for a Zoom account to participate.

If you are unable to access our session on Zoom, please see the Archdiocese of Milwaukee YouTube Live. (There can be a delay in the livestream, refresh your browser or check back in a few minutes if you don't see it)

Recordings of these sessions will be posted each Friday morning.

Click to View Formation Session Youtube Recordings

Click to Listen to Formation Session Audio Recodings

(If you're looking for our Formation Sessions in Spanish at 6pm on Thursdays, see Sesiones de Formación Emaús 90)

Frequently Asked Questions

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  Is it too late for my friend to register?

It is not too late to register! Anyone can register at any point along the Emmaus 90 journey. 

Those registering after December 10 can download the pilgrim Guidebook as a PDF

Emmaus 90 pilgrims are welcome to print the pdf which is downloadable on this page above.

  How do I download the Pilgrim Guidebook PDF?

Electronic Guidebooks are available for download at:

Pilgrim Guidebook ENGLISH - PDF

Pilgrim Guidebook SPANISH - PDF

Family Guide - PDF

   I hear Emmaus 90 is for small groups. How do I get into a small group?
  • We strongly encourage you to find a “Pilgrim Group” of 2-3 friends, family, or fellow parishioners to journey through Emmaus 90 with you. 

  • Some men’s groups, women’s groups, and Bible Studies, choose to do Emmaus 90 together. We LOVE this! We encourage bigger groups to break into smaller groups of 3-4 people for the discussion each week–even if you gather together as a larger group for the formation sessions.

  • Here are some ideas for connecting with a group:

    • Ask God to help you think of who in your life you would like to encourage to grow in their faith OR who would encourage you to grow in your faith. Ask God to open the door for you to have a conversation with and invite them to join you.

    • Some parishes are hosting “watch parties” for the Thursday formation sessions. Check with your parish to see if they are hosting a watch party with others you could join, or if your parish leaders know of anyone else in your community who may want to join your pilgrim group.

    • Meet someone you’ve seen at Mass and ask them if they are interested in joining you on this 90 day journey.

   What do I do if I missed a few days?

Our greatest encouragement to you when you fall off with your Emmaus practices is to ask God to help you get up and start again. You might not do everything perfectly, it may not go according to plan, but we encourage you to beg God for help and be generous with your life during this time.

Emmaus 90 practices are simple to reintroduce even if you lose track for a while.

  How do I access the Weekly livestreamed formation videos each Thursday evening?

Formation videos will be livestreamed and recorded on each Thursday evening from New Year's to Easter.

Livestream will be available from our Formation Sessions Page and recordings will be uploaded to the Formation Sessions Page every Friday.

  Who do I contact with questions about Emmaus 90?

Contact our Emmaus 90 team at Emmaus90@archmil.org.

  I lost my printed Guidebook Journal, What can I do?

We're so sorry that you lost your book! Unfortunately, we only printed a limited number of books based on our registration numbers back in November. You may download the PDF version of the guidebook that is linked on this webpage under "Downloadable Materials."


  Why am I not getting your weekly Emmaus 90 Pilgrim update Emails? Join our Flocknote.

We send out weekly emails using our Brew City Catholic Flocknote to all registered participants on Sundays and Thursdays.

If you registered for Emmaus 90 through our online registration system, you should be on our email list. Please check your spam or junk folder in your email.

We will also post the text of each email we send to our Emmaus 90 Email page.

If you did not register online, or if a friend registered you, the fastest and easiest way to get on our Flocknote email list is to either:

Use your cell phone to text ADVENTURE to 84576 and you will receive a text with instructions
Enter your name, email, and cell phone number** at brewcitycatholic.flocknote.com

Once you create your Flocknote account by cell or email, please choose to join the Emmaus 90 Group.*

*Please do not join additional Brew City Catholic Flocknote groups (unless you are a young adult who is also seeking info about our Archdiocese of Milwaukee's Brew City Catholic events). Thank you!

**You are not required to enter a cell phone number to join our email list. The benefit of entering your cell phone number is that it will allow you to text your questions for our speakers during our live Thursday night Formation Sessions.

If you continue to have trouble, please contact Jaclyn.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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St. Francis, WI 53235

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