Emmaus 90 Emails

Emmaus 90 Weekly Pilgrim Update Emails


We send out weekly emails using our Brew City Catholic Flocknote to all registered participants on Sundays and Thursdays.

Some participants have discovered that their email accounts treat our messages as if they are spam. If you are not receiving our emails and you registered for Emmaus 90, please check your spam folder. We will also post the text of each email we send to this page: see below.

If you did not register online, or if a friend registered you, the fastest and easiest way to get on our Flocknote email list is to either:

Use your cell phone to text ADVENTURE to 84576 
Enter your name, email, and cell phone number** at brewcitycatholic.flocknote.com

Once you create your Flocknote account by cell or email, join the Emmaus 90 Group.*

*Please do not join additional Brew City Catholic Flocknote groups (unless you are a young adult who is also seeking info about our Archdiocese of Milwaukee's Brew City Catholic events). Thank you!

**You are not required to enter your cell phone number to join our email list. The benefit of entering your cell phone number is that it will allow you to text your questions for our speakers during our live Thursday night Formation Sessions.

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  3/21/24 - Formation Tonight with Maximus Cabey - "Set Out at Once on Mission"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"Set Out at Once on Mission"


Tonight, at 7pm CST we are blessed to be joined by Maximus Cabey, who will lead our Formation Session: "Set Out at Once on Mission." 


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm CST! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.


In this session, Maximus will share with us practical tips for sharing the Good News with others. He will also share more about the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelization, and how we can discern how we are being called to live on mission! Click here to view the prayer to the Holy Spirit that he will share during his session.

Next Week: No Live Formation Session on Holy Thursday
Next week is Holy Week. We will not have our usual live formation session on Thursday. Our last livestream formation session will be Thursday, April 4! 



Quick Links 

Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  3/17/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 12

This Week in Emmaus 90


Blessed St. Patrick's Day! 


This week, we continue to be formed in the fourth and final movement of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Their Hearts Burned Within Them and They Set Out at Once to Tell Others


This Thursday, March 21, at 7pm CST, we are blessed to be joined by Maximus Cabey, who will lead our formation session: "Set Out at Once on Mission." 


As we near the end of our Emmaus 90 journey, we focus on preparing to be sent as Eucharistic Missionaries. In this session, Maximus will share with us practical tips for sharing the Good News with others. He will also share more about the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelization, and how we can discern the ways we are being called to live on mission.


Wednesday March 20: Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at a parish near you.


Area priests will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation at 11 parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. This is a great opportunity to receive the merciful and healing love of Christ in the Sacrament, and to prepare our hearts as we enter Holy Week. Learn more and find locations and times at https://www.archmil.org/Pray-Reconcile-Rejoice


Last Week in Emmaus 90


Last Week in Emmaus 90Fr. John LoCoco shared with us that in the Eucharist we are invited to become what we receive--to be transformed by Jesus and live in unity with God because he created us to share in his life. 


We partake of his divine nature through the sacramental life of the Church, and then we become avenues for others to experience this same refreshing reality of transformation. It is not enough for God simply to cleanse us of our sins. He has made us for something more. We are made for union with God. That union can begin now, and we can invite others into that union. This is part of our invitation to become "Eucharistic Missionaries."

In his talk, Fr. John shared that sometimes we need healing in order for our hearts to be free from sin and more open to be transformed by Christ. We encourage you to consider two opportunities to receive and to learn more about how to receive Christ's healing and peace in the heart of the Catholic Church: 12 Hours of Reconciliation, and Healing the Whole Person Conference (English, Spanish, ASL), April 11-13, 2024.


God bless you, 

Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


"Emmaus 90 has helped rekindle my faith in the power of Christ and brought me closer to my faith as a Catholic steward. I have been strengthened by my pilgrim group. We have shared past present and future stories of our faith and what our goals for this journey mean to us.

In truth, this last Month has been an emotional challenge for me as I learned one of my family members has cancer. These have been trying times to know the state of this terminal disease and to guide him and the family in decision making for pain control and treatment options.


God has heard my prayers during this journey to Emmaus as I preach the faith, pray with my brother, and attend mass for the grace I need to be strong at this time of adversity. My brother had a stabilizing surgery, and now he can walk with better mobility and less pain! Halleluiah! He is going home today so that he can decide on next steps -- in prayer with God's plan.

I want to thank my Pilgrim group members for listening, praying for us, and for the hugs you exchanged. Praise be to GOD!"


- Maureen from St. John XXIII

Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you or your Pilgrim Group through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  


Quick Links 

Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.

  3/14/24 - Formation Tonight with Fr. John LoCoco - "Become What You Receive"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"Become What You Receive"


Tonight, at 7pm CST we are blessed to be joined by Fr. John LoCoco, Vocation Director of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, who will lead our Formation Session: "Become What You Receive." 


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm CST! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.


In this session, we explore how we are transformed by receiving the Eucharist to become more like Jesus, and to live as his disciples sharing in his mission.

Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Maximus Cabey lead our Formation Session: "Set Out at Once on Mission" live next Thursday, March 21, at 7pm CST! Maximus will share with us practical tips for sharing the Good News with others. He will also share more about the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelization, and how we can discern how we are being called to live on mission.


Quick Links 

Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  3/10/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 11

This Week in Emmaus 90


We pray that you are able to recognize Jesus in the breaking of the bread at Mass and enter more deeply into the prayer of the Mass this week!


This week, we transition into the fourth and final movement of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Their Hearts Burned Within Them and They Set Out at Once to Tell Others. We consider all the ways we've learned to recognize the Lord on our Emmaus journey in our prayer, in the Scriptures, and in the breaking of the bread. As we reflect on our experience we notice the ways our heart has been burning within us, and we want to share with others--we are moved to go out as Eucharistic Missionaries.  


This Thursday, March 14, at 7pm CST, we are blessed to be joined by Fr. John LoCoco, Vocation Director of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and National Eucharistic Preacher, who will lead our formation session: "Become What You Receive." In this session, we explore how we are transformed by receiving the Eucharist to become more like Jesus, and to live as his disciples sharing in his mission. 


This Week's Scriptures

This week's daily scriptures reference different parts of the Mass. You might notice that Thursday's Scripture is only a single verse (Matthew 8:13). You might want to read the whole story leading up to that verse for context (Matthew 8:5-13).


Emmaus 90 Practice: Sacrament of Reconciliation

March 20 - Save the Date for 12 Hours of Reconciliation. Area priests will be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation at 11 parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Learn more and find locations and times at https://www.archmil.org/Pray-Reconcile-Rejoice


Last Week in Emmaus 90

Last Week in Emmaus 90, we concluded the third of the four movements of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Their Eyes Are Opened in the Breaking of the Bread. In this movement, we explored how to encounter Jesus more deeply in the Mass.


During his talk last Thursday, Dr. Mike Brummond answers the questions: What does Full, Active, Conscious Participation in the Mass look like? How do I prepare to pray the Mass more fully, actively, and consciously? What are particular moments in the Mass that I can be aware of my part and strive to enter in more deeply? What does that look like, practically?
He notes that when we prepare for Mass, "having an intention for which to pray helps us to pray intentionally.” When we approach and prepare for entering into the Mass, we bring our whole selves as an offering which connects the Mass with every aspect of our daily lives. We bring the cares, concerns, and pain of the entire world as we pray in the Liturgy.


You may view the recording here and the presentation slides for Dr. Brummond's formation session here. Access ASL interpretation recording here. 


God bless you, 

Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


This week's Emmaus 90 Story comes from Waukesha Catholic School:


"About twenty of our middle school students are participating in Emmaus 90. They gather in Pilgrim Groups weekly and have shown great perseverance in their commitment to daily prayer. Their spiritual growth is palpable. God is good!

Here's a comment from one of our 7th grade students: “Participating in religious activities such as Emmaus 90 allows you to see God in others and in your life. These activities give you time every day to thank God and give back to Him day to day. This has been a fun experience.”

Many of the students' family members are joining them for Emmaus 90, which is creating an even deeper spiritual family bond. One parent shared that as they discuss their experiences, it can turn a walk or dinner together into a more beautiful encounter with Christ in our domestic church.

"As a middle school religion teacher and campus minister, I am so happy to see my students using the Emmaus 90 format to enter into prayer on a deeper level. Hearing them pray together is especially beautiful and humbling. The Holy Spirit has not disappointed us in the fruitfulness of this program and I would encourage more schools to consider offering it in 2025." -Lucy, Waukesha Catholic Teacher"

We LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you or your Pilgrim Group through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  


Quick Links 

Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.

You may view the presentation slides for Dr. Brummond's formation session here. Access ASL interpretation recording here.

  3/7/24 - Formation Tonight with Dr. Mike Brummond "Praying the Mass Fully, Actively, Consciously"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"Praying the Mass Fully, Actively, Consciously"


Tonight, at 7pm CST we are blessed to be joined by Dr. Mike Brummond, Associate Professor of Systematic Studies at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, for our Formation Session: "Praying the Mass Fully, Actively, Consciously." 


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm CST! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.


During his talk, "Praying the Mass Fully, Actively, Consciously," Dr. Brummond will help us to answer the questions: What does Full, Active, Conscious Participation in the Mass look like? How do prepare do it? What are particular moments in the Mass that I can be aware of my part and strive to enter in more deeply? What does that look like, practically? Dr. Brummond is an excellent teacher who helps people embrace the rich beauty of liturgy and the Mass, and who deeply lives the truths he teaches. You won't want to miss this one.


Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Fr. John LoCoco, priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, lead our Formation Session: "Become What You Receive" live next Thursday, March 14, at 7pm CST! Fr. John is the Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and is a Eucharistic Revival Preacher.



Quick Links 

Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  3/4/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 10

This Week in Emmaus 90


This Thursday, March 7, at 7pm CST, we are blessed to be joined by Dr. Mike Brummond, Associate Professor of Systematic Studies at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, who will be speaking on: "Praying the Mass Fully, Actively, & Consciously."  


During his talk, Dr. Brummond will help us to answer the questions: What does Full, Active, Conscious Participation in the Mass look like? How do prepare do it? What are particular moments in the Mass that I can be aware of my part and strive to enter in more deeply? What does that look like, practically? Dr. Brummond is an excellent teacher who helps people embrace the rich beauty of liturgy and the Mass, and who deeply lives the truths he teaches. You won't want to miss this one.


March 20 - Save the Date for 12 Hours of Reconciliation at a parish near you. Learn more at https://www.archmil.org/Pray-Reconcile-Rejoice 

Last Week in Emmaus 90


Last Week in Emmaus 90, we continued in the third of the four movements of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Their Eyes Are Opened in the Breaking of the Bread. In this movement, we strive to learn how to encounter Jesus more deeply in the Mass.


In his talk Created for Worship, Fr. John Burns led us deeply into Eucharistic Theology. In his talk, he traces the story of salvation and God’s covenants with us through the lens of God’s plan from before creation to draw us into a covenant relationship with Himself like marriage. He reflects on the Last Supper/Crucifixion and the Mass as the “betrothal feast” between Jesus (the bridegroom) and the Church (the bride). Through this lens, our reception of the Eucharist in the Mass is our assent to be betrothed to God and we look forward to the wedding feast in heaven.


Fr. John also invited us to participate in Healing the Whole Person. Register now to receive one of the last few remaining in-person seats, or to participate by livestream (available in English, ASL, and Spanish): Healing the Whole Person Conference April 11-13, Catholic Community of Waukesha - St. William.


God bless you, 

Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


Here are a few quick stories from Emmaus 90 pilgrims:


"The Emmaus 90 Daily Prayer with Scripture has been life-changing." 

"One of the members of our pilgrim group shared a healing of the 'deepest recesses of her heart.' All of a sudden she noticed she did not have that fear of rejection, fear of intimacy, and that social anxiety she has usually experienced before. She feels free and gives glory to God for His healing love."

"Since our family started Emmaus 90, my 5 year old now prays "Come Holy Spirit" and gives theology talks to her stuffed animals."

We LOVE these! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you or your Pilgrim Group through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  


Quick Links 

Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.

  2/29/24 - Formation Tonight with Fr. John Burns - "Created for Worship"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"Created for Worship"


Tonight, at 7pm CST we are blessed to be joined by Fr. John Burns, priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, as he leads our Formation Session: "Created for Worship." Fr. John is a National Eucharistic Revival preacher and is currently assigned full-time to the renewal of women's religious life, and runs an apostolate called Friends of the Bridegroom.


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm CST! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.


During his talk, "Created for Worship," Fr. John will dive deeper into Eucharistic Theology, and will help us to answer the questions: How is the Mass worship? What does it mean that we were created for worship? What does it mean to worship? 



Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Dr. Mike Brummond, Associate Professor of Systematic Studies at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, lead our Formation Session: "Praying the Mass Fully, Actively, Consciously," live next Thursday, March 7, at 7pm CST! Dr. Mike holds a doctorate in Sacred Theology from the University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein Seminary.


In his formation session, he will answer the questions: What does Full, Active, Conscious Participation in the Mass look like? How do I do it? 



Quick Links 

Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  2/25/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 9

This Week in Emmaus 90


This Thursday, February 29, at 7pm CST, we are blessed to be joined by Fr. John Burns, priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee as he leads our Formation Session: "Created for Worship." Fr. John is a National Eucharistic Revival preacher, is currently assigned full-time to the renewal of women's religious life, and runs an apostolate called Friends of the Bridegroom.

During his talk, Fr. John will dive deeper into Eucharistic Theology, and will help us to answer the questions: How is the Mass worship? What does it mean that we were created for worship? What does it mean to worship? He will help us to understand how we enter into worship through the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist during Mass.

Last Week in Emmaus 90


Last Week in Emmaus 90, we transitioned into the third of the four movements of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Their Eyes Are Opened in the Breaking of the Bread. In this movement, we look forward to encountering Jesus more deeply in the Mass.


Fr. Christopher Klusman, the Director of the Deaf Apostolate in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, led our formation session, "Recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread.


In his talk, Fr. Christopher helps us to understand redemptive suffering and how we can unite our sufferings with Jesus' sacrifice in the Mass and offer them up for others for the reparation, conversion, sanctity, and our own and others' salvation. He used the Acronym S.O.R.E to help us see the connection between Suffering, Offering, and Recognition, and how those three things all connect in the story of Emmaus and the Breaking of the Bread at Mass.


God bless you, 

Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


An Emmaus 90 mom shares:


"My son is participating in Emmaus 90 with our family. He has been taking our daily prayer to become a Eucharistic Missionary seriously. When some of his public high school teammates who aren’t Catholic respectfully questioned him about the Real Presence in the Eucharist, he said that the words to answer them just came to him. He said it was like what Jesus said, that we don’t need to worry beforehand about what we are to say and the Holy Spirit will give you the words. After he spoke about the Eucharist, they said they would like to go to a Mass. He invited them to come to Mass with our family, and they said yes."

We LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you or your Pilgrim Group through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  


Quick Links 

Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.

  2/22/24 - Formation Tonight with Fr. Christopher Klusman - "Recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"Recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread"


We're blessed to have Fr. Christopher Klusman, priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee & Director of the Deaf Apostolate, lead our formation session tonight at 7pm CST.


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm CST! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.

His formation session, "Recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread" will open our eyes to encounter Jesus in and enter more deeply into the sacrifice of the Mass. It will be presented in American Sign Language with simultaneous English interpretation.

Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Fr. John Burns, priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, lead our Formation Session: "Created for Worship" live next Thursday, February 29, at 7pm CST! Fr. John Burns is a National Eucharistic Revival preacher and is currently assigned full-time to the renewal of women's religious life and runs an apostolate, Friends of the Bridegroom.


Quick Links 

Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  2/18/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 8

This Week in Emmaus 90


We hope your Lent is off to a beautiful start! 

This Week in Emmaus 90, we transition into the third of the four movements of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Their Eyes Are Opened in the Breaking of the Bread. In this movement, we look forward to encountering Jesus more deeply in the Mass. This week's daily Scriptures center on Jesus who is the Lamb of God willingly sacrificed for us, to save us.


This Thursday, we are blessed to be joined by Fr. Christopher Klusman, the Director of the Deaf Apostolate in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. His formation session, "Recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread" will open our eyes to encounter Jesus in and enter more deeply into the sacrifice of the Mass. It will be presented in American Sign Language with simultaneous English interpretation.



Last Week in Emmaus 90


It was a joy to meet many of you at Archbishop's Pallium Lecture on Thursday! Speaker Dr. Elizabeth Lev set us up to notice the ways Jesus can speak to us through art and beauty. We pray God will give you a new heart to encounter him through beauty this week.


Last week our Archbishop Jerome Listecki sent a special Lenten message just for you, our Emmaus 90 pilgrims! Click HERE to watch Archbishop Listecki's Lenten message to Emmaus 90 Pilgrims OR Listen to his message and other Emmaus 90 Sessions on Spreaker HERE.


Know that we're with you and we're praying for you.


God bless you, 

Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


An Emmaus 90 pilgrim shares:


"When my husband's grandparents were married in 1940, the young couple received a wedding present from a priest who was a family friend. The gift was a beautiful painting (see picture below). Little is known about the artist or where it came from. 


The artwork proudly hung above the couch in their home for more than 70 years. I always admired the paintings' bright colors and the expressions on their faces, yet I couldn't name the bible verse behind it. Some family members said it was a version of the last supper, but that didn’t seem right.  Of course, Grandma knew and often shared both the story of the gospel and how she received the gift, with a smile. After Grandma died no one in the family had space for the painting so it was stored in the basement at my-in-laws house.  


Sometimes while visiting, I would uncover the painting and admire it, yet feel a little sad that it wasn't displayed, and I always tried to recall the scripture it depicted.  I’d leave wishing we had a special place for it. 


Then, last summer, after the passing of my father-in-law, and seeing the painting numerous times while clearing out the basement, I couldn't stop thinking about the scene. I soon realized these were nudges from the Holy Spirit and I knew I had to figure out a place for this treasure in our house. Months later, as I was in a meeting at our parish, Emmaus 90 was once again discussed as a study that was beginning in January and I decided to sign up. I cannot say exactly when it all clicked that this study I was looking forward to, was basically the title of our new painting that we inherited.  I know I'm often a little slow to catch on, but thankfully God keeps showing up, sending whispers and is patient with me. I'm so excited to say that we found a perfect spot for this beautiful family heirloom, and now I can be the one to explain this gospel story.


As I continue to grow and learn on my road to Emmaus, I plan to start sharing snippets of my faith story, times that Jesus walked with me on my journey. I feel so blessed and humbled to have such a wonderful reminder that Jesus will open our eyes and our hearts, so we can know his heart and his word, when we break bread together in the Eucharist."

We LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you or your Pilgrim Group through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  


Quick Links 

Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.

  2/15/24 - No Livestream Formation Tonight - See you at the Pallium Lecture!

Blessed Lent! Our Next Livestream Formation will be Thursday, Feb 22!


Our Archbishop Jerome Listecki has a special Lenten message just for you, our Emmaus 90 pilgrims!


Click HERE to watch Archbishop Listecki's Lenten message to Emmaus 90 Pilgrims


OR Listen to his message and other Emmaus 90 Sessions on Spreaker HERE 


REMINDER: There is no livestream formation session tonight, Feb 15. If you choose to gather as a pilgrim group this week, consider discussing the Archbishop's message above. We look forward to seeing many of you in person tonight at the Archbishop's Pallium Lecture. Don't be shy--come say hello!


Next Week's Formation Session

On Feb 22, we are blessed to be joined by Fr. Christopher Klusman, the Director of the Deaf Apostolate in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. His formation session, "Recognize Him in the Breaking of the Bread," will be presented in American Sign Language with simultaneously English interpretation.


Next week we move into the third movement of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Their Eyes Are Opened in the Breaking of the Bread. In this movement, we dive deeply into the Mass. 


Let us know your prayer intentions for this Lent by replying to this message! Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Quick Links 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  2/11/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 7

This Week in Emmaus 90


Friends, ready or not, this Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and Lent begins. 


Our Archbishop Jerome Listecki has a special Lenten message just for you, our Emmaus 90 pilgrims! 


Click HERE to watch Archbishop Listecki's Lenten message to Emmaus 90 Pilgrims


OR Listen to his message and other Emmaus 90 Sessions on Spreaker HERE 


REMINDER: There is no livestream formation session this Thurs, Feb 15. This is so that you and your Pilgrim Group can participate in your parish's Ash Wednesday Mass on Wed, Feb 14. If you choose to gather as a pilgrim group this week, you might consider discussing the Archbishop's message above. 


We look forward to seeing many of you in person at the Archbishop's Pallium Lecture this Thursday. Registration is full. However, you can join the waitlist, to be notified if a seat becomes available. 



Last Week in Emmaus 90


Click here or on the video below to watch last week's Formation Session. On Thurs, Feb 8 Fr. Justin Kizewski, National Eucharistic Revival Preacher and Director of Intellectual Formation for St. Francis de Sales Seminary, offered reflections on "God's Plan to Save Us."  Fr. Kizewski talks about how the Old Testament Scriptures point to Jesus, as the way out of the exile from God that we experience because of our brokenness and sin. He talks about God's plan to save us, show us the Father's love, and bring us into communion through the Incarnation (Jesus who is the Son of God became man to save us) and the Paschal Mystery (through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and glorious Ascension, Jesus destroys our death and restores us to life).


We hear you: daily prayer with some of these Old Testament passages has been a challenge. This week, we shift into New Testament passages that show how Jesus fulfills the promises of the Old Testament. During your prayer, you might ask the Lord to help you understand: "Jesus, how does this passage show that you are "the way out"? How does this passage point me to deeper relationship with you? How does your coming to save us reveal the full meaning of this passage?" 


Know that we're with you and we're praying for you.


With love, 

Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


An Emmaus 90 pilgrim shares:


"A friend from my Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Group shared that she had a deep dark depression starting this winter, which usually happens this time of the year. Shortly after the first session, it just lifted up and she just feels so joyful and 'up in the clouds'!  She could not understand how it happened and she is just so grateful that she joined Emmaus 90. I reminded her she is being prayed for by the Team and all the other pilgrims. Thank you!"

We LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you or your Pilgrim Group through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  



Quick Links 

Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.

  2/8/24 - Formation Tonight with Fr. Justin Kizewski - "God's Plan to Save Us & Preparing for Lent"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"God’s Plan to Save Us & Preparing for Lent"


We're blessed to have Fr. Justin Kizewski, National Eucharistic Revival Preacher, and Director of Intellectual Formation at St. Francis de Sales Seminary, lead our formation session tonight at 7pm CST.


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm CST! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.

In his talk, "God's Plan to Save Us & Preparing for Lent," Fr. Kizewski will help us to understand how the Old Testament Scriptures we've been praying with point us to God's plan to save us through Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection. It will also help us enter more deeply into the mystery this Lent. 


Next Week's Formation Session

REMINDER: There is no livestream formation session on Thurs, Feb 15. This is so that you and your Pilgrim Group can participate in your parish's Ash Wednesday Mass on Wed, Feb 14. 


Registration is full for the Archdiocesan Pallium Lecture on Thurs, Feb 15. However, you can join the waitlist, to be notified if a seat becomes available. The Pallium Lecture is in-person only and will not be recorded. (ASL interpretation is available.) 



Quick Links 

Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  2/4/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 6

This Week in Emmaus 90


Friends, Lent begins in just 10 short days. Are you ready? Here's a little encouragement from Margaret.


In our formation session this Thurs, Feb 8, at 7pm, Fr. Justin Kizewski, National Eucharistic Revival Preacher and Director of Intellectual Formation for St. Francis de Sales Seminary, will help us to prepare. He will give the last formation session in the "Jesus Interprets the Scriptures" movement of our Emmaus journey. In his talk, "God's Plan to Save Us & Preparing for Lent,"  Fr. Kizewski will help us to understand how the Old Testament Scriptures we've been praying with in our Emmaus 90 Daily Prayer point us to God's plan to save us through Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection. It will also help us enter more deeply into the mystery this Lent. You won't want to miss it!


We've heard from some of you that prayer with these Old Testament passages has gotten challenging. During these three weeks of the "Jesus interprets the Scriptures that refer to him" part of our Emmaus 90 journey, all these Old Testament passages refer to or point us to Jesus. During your prayer, you might ask the Lord to help you understand: "Jesus, how does this passage point to you? How does your coming to save us reveal the full meaning of this passage?" Know that we're praying for you.

REMINDER: There is no livestream formation session on Thurs, Feb 15. This is so that you and your Pilgrim Group can participate in your parish's Ash Wednesday Mass on Wed, Feb 14. Registration is full for the Archdiocesan Pallium Lecture on Thurs, Feb 15. However, you can join the waitlist, to be notified if a seat becomes available. 


Last Week in Emmaus 90


Click here or on the video below to watch last week's Formation Session, in which Mike Gutzwiller taught us about the 6 covenants referenced in Scriptures through which we have been adopted into the family of God. In his talk, Mike refers to two handouts. You can view and download his handouts here: Covenants & Salvation History - A Love Story.


We apologize to those of you who experienced difficulty hearing Mike's talk. His voice is clear on the recording, just a bit softer than mine. We're working to assure high quality sound on future livestreams. Thank you for your patience--and please pray for us!


Know that we're with you and we're praying for you.


With love, 


Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


This week, a pilgrim from our Deaf Community shares a beautiful story:


"When I first saw the term EMMAUS 90, I thought of EMMANUEL and how we put the two words EMMA and US with "EMMA"NUEL-God with "US"! Just like when Jesus was WITH the two disciples when they walked together to the town of Emmaus.

I love being part of Emmaus 90 because of how the community all comes together with the most gifted and talented sign language interpreters with Jesus BEING in the center!

After she shared with "US" about the history of the place where Jesus and the two disciples ate together in the town of Emmaus, I thought about how special that place was because it was their first "MASS/EUCHARIST" WITH JESUS just like NOW when Jesus IS WITH "US" at Mass/Eucharist!

After a storm, I was hiking with my chocolate lab. I was praying with all my heart, thanking Jesus SO MUCH for dying on the cross for "US". Then, a few seconds after I was thanking Him as I was walking uphill, I saw two broken branches in the sign of a CROSS!


I was SO TOUCHED that Jesus was "signing" to me by showing me a sign of His CROSS to me right after I was thanking him for dying on the CROSS. It was a VERY special moment! That was His way of telling me YES, you're very welcome, I did die for you ALL. I hurried back home and got my phone and went back to take a picture of it because that moment with HIM meant the world to me.

I PRAY for "US" to LET HIM be close to "US" on our Emmaus 90 journey!

We LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  



Quick Links 

Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.

  2/1/24 - Formation Tonight with Michael Gutzwiller - "God's Covenants with Us"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"God's Covenants with Us"


We’re blessed to have Mike Gutzwiller, Director of Curriculum Development for the Sophia Institute for Teachers, teach us tonight, February 1 at 7pm CST, about "God's Covenants with Us."


In his talk, Mike will use two handouts. You can view his handouts here: Covenants & Salvation History - A Love Story.


Understanding these covenants is an important key for understanding how all of Scripture fits together to tell the story of God's desire to draw us into his family. 


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.


Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Fr. Justin Kizewski, National Eucharistic Revival Preacher and formator at St. Francis de Sales Seminary, lead our Formation Session: "God’s Plan to Save Us & Preparing for Lent." Live next Thursday, February 8, at 7pm!


Space is going fast for our 2024 Pallium Lecture.  Register now to reserve your seat. Emmaus 90 pilgrim groups are encouraged to attend the Pallium Lecture together. This year's lecture, "How Catholic Art Saved the Faith—The Triumph of Beauty and Truth," is Thursday, February 15 at 7pm at the Brookfield Conference Center (in-person only and there is no livestreamed Emmaus 90 Formation Session this night). An American Sign Language Interpreter will be available. It's free, but you must register to attend.



Emmaus 90 Story

Every Sunday, we’ll share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90, please submit it to EMMAUS 90 Story Submission Form. See tips for how to share your story on page 106 of your guidebook.



Quick Links 

Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team


  1/28/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 5 Begins!

This Week in Emmaus 90


This Week in Emmaus 90, we continue to walk with Jesus in the second of the four movements of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Jesus Interprets the Scriptures.


In this upcoming week's formation session on Thursday, February 8, at 7pm CST, Mike Gutzwiller, Director of Curriculum Development for the Sophia Institute for Teachers, will teach us about "God's Covenants with Us."  Understanding these covenants is an important key for understanding how all of Scripture fits together to tell the story of God's desire to draw us into his family. In his talk, Mike will use two handouts. You can view his handouts here: Covenants & Salvation History - A Love Story. 


You may also notice that, starting last week, our daily Emmaus 90 Scriptures have been walking us through this salvation history love story from the beginning. We're excited to see what the Lord shows you through your prayer with these passages.


Emmaus Practice: "Monthly Reconciliation"

We encourage you to schedule a time to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation each month. Find a Confession time here. Been a while since you received the Sacrament of Reconciliation? OR Are you walking with someone who needs encouragement to return to the Sacrament? Click here for encouragement from Margaret about "What to Do with Guilt & Shame, AKA The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Why and How To."



Last Week in Emmaus 90


Click here to watch last week's Formation Session in which Scripture Scholar, Dr. Mary Healy, taught us about how God unveils himself and makes Himself known to us in Sacred Scripture. She asked us to reflect on this question: How well do you know the Word? 


She offered this encouragement to us: 

"In order to be fed and strengthened by the Word, we have to first know it. I want to assure you, God wants you to know his Word better, because he wants to speak to you personally through it."


As we each continue to pray with the Emmaus 90 Scripture passages daily, Jesus is transforming us and inviting us to know him better. He is speaking to each of us personally. If you are discouraged, hold on to that truth, and do not be afraid to keep saying yes. God is here. God is for you. And we're here for you too.


We love to hear about what Jesus is doing in your life through Emmaus 90! To share your story, submit it here.

Know that we're with you and we're praying for you. With love, 


Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


Every week, we share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. This week, Margaret, from Immaculate Conception parish shares:

"Committing to regular daily prayer, believing that I am a beloved child of God, feeling comfortable with conversational prayer, and knowing how to listen for God’s voice have all mostly eluded me. For most of my adult life I have frequently brought to confession neglecting prayer. 

I tended not to look forward to prayer. But this simple process you have made for us, with Scripture selections and guidance for how to pray, what words to use, has made a deep change in my prayer and in my relationship with the Lord. I’m so grateful."


We LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  



Quick Links 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.

  1/25/24 - Formation Tonight with Dr. Mary Healy - "Jesus Interprets the Scriptures"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"Jesus Interprets the Scriptures"


We’re blessed to have Dr. Mary Healy, author, speaker, and Catholic Biblical Scholar from Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit, lead our Formation Session: "Jesus Interprets the Scriptures" tonight, January 25, at 7pm!


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.


Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Michael Gutzwiller from Sophia Institute for Teachers, lead our Formation Session: "God's Covenants with Us." Live next Thursday, February 1, at 7pm!


Space is going fast for our 2024 Pallium Lecture.  Register now to reserve your seat. Emmaus 90 pilgrim groups are encouraged to attend the Pallium Lecture together. This year's lecture, "How Catholic Art Saved the Faith—The Triumph of Beauty and Truth," is Thursday, February 15 at 7pm at the Brookfield Conference Center (in-person only and there is no livestreamed Emmaus 90 Formation Session this night). An American Sign Language Interpreter will be available. It's free, but you must register to attend.



Emmaus 90 Story

Every Sunday, we’ll share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90, please submit it to EMMAUS 90 Story Submission Form. See tips for how to share your story on page 106 of your guidebook.



Other Good Stuff in Case You Missed It


Quick Links 

Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  1/21/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 4 Begins!

This Week in Emmaus 90


This Week in Emmaus 90, we transition into the second of the four movements of the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35: Jesus Interprets the Scriptures.


In this upcoming week's formation session on Thursday, January 25, at 7pm CST, Scripture Scholar Dr. Mary Healy will prepare us to dive more deeply into Sacred Scripture, especially the passages that refer to Jesus in the Eucharist and the Mass. 


As we transition to our second movement, we encourage you to reflect on this question: How have you noticed Jesus drawing close to you in these first three weeks of Emmaus 90? Take some time today to thank Him and celebrate your wins! 


Emmaus Practice: "Monthly Reconciliation"

We encourage you to schedule a time to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the end of the month. Find a Confession time here. Been a while since you received the Sacrament of Reconciliation? OR Are you walking with someone who needs encouragement to return to the Sacrament? Click here for encouragement from Margaret about "What to Do with Guilt & Shame OR The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Why and How To."



Last Week in Emmaus 90


Click here to watch last week's Formation Session.


Last Thursday, Vincent and Samantha from Kinship Community Food Center reminded us that God draws close to us and forms us in community. We're so grateful to have you as part of our Emmaus 90 Community! 


We pray that you are also growing together in community with your pilgrim group. Still need a group? It's not too late to invite a friend or join a watch party.


Just as the disciples journeyed together with Jesus, remember that you are not alone on this Emmaus 90 journey. God is here. God is for you. And we're here for you too.


We love to hear about what Jesus is doing in your life through Emmaus 90! To share your story, submit it here.

With Love, 


Margaret and the Emmaus 90 Team



This Week's Emmaus 90 Story


Every week, we share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. This week, an Emmaus 90 pilgrim shares:


"This has been truly transformative for me! I've always struggled to pray daily and to just be still. And I want to understand Scripture better. I've missed a couple, but the daily Scriptures and encouragement from Emmaus 90 have been so good. Thank you for helping me to grow in prayer."


We LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90, please Share your EMMAUS 90 Story  



Quick Links 

  1/18/24 - Formation Tonight with Kinship Community Food Center MKE at 7pm CST! "Jesus Forms us in Community"

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"Jesus Forms us in Community"


We’re blessed to have Vincent Noth & Samantha Vosters, from Kinship Community Food Center, lead our Formation Session: "Jesus Forms Us in Community." Live tonight, January 18, at 7pm CST! 


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm! You do not need to have a zoom account to join.


Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Dr. Mary Healy, author, speaker, and Catholic Biblical Scholar from Sacred Heart Major Seminary Detroit, lead our Formation Session: "Jesus Interprets the Scriptures." Live next Thursday, January 25, at 7pm!


Space is going fast for our 2024 Pallium Lecture.  Register now to reserve your seat. Emmaus 90 pilgrim groups are encouraged to attend the Pallium Lecture together. This year's lecture, "How Catholic Art Saved the Faith—The Triumph of Beauty and Truth," is Thursday, February 15 at 7pm at the Brookfield Conference Center (in-person only and there is no livestreamed Emmaus 90 Formation Session this night). An American Sign Language Interpreter will be available. It's free, but you must register to attend.



Emmaus 90 Story

Every Sunday, we’ll share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90, please submit it to EMMAUS 90 Story Submission Form. See tips for how to share your story on page 106 of your guidebook.



Other Good Stuff in Case You Missed It

Started Late or Behind on Our Scriptures? 

Don't worry and resist the temptation to be discouraged! Jesus is near, he will help you, and it's going to be ok. We made you a video with some helpful tips for where to go from here: CLICK "Help! I'm behind! What do I do?" 


Still Looking for a Pilgrim Group?
Several parishes hosting Emmaus 90 watch parties would love to welcome you to join them. To find a parish near you, see Watch Parties List.



Prayer with this week's Daily Scriptures will help us to learn from Jesus about how to grow in community. Scriptures are linked in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language.


NEW! You can now listen to our formation session audio recordings on Spreaker.


Register now before it sells out!

The Healing the Whole Person Conference hosted by Catholic Community of Waukesha April 11-13. 


The 2024 Pallium Lecture: Register to reserve your seat for Thursday, February 15 at the Brookfield Conference Center (in-person only, and there is no livestream Emmaus 90 Formation Session this day)



Quick links 


Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Emmaus 90 Team

  1/14/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 3 Begins!

This Week

As Grace Urbanski reminded us on Thursday: ask Jesus to help you to recognize him in prayer and trust that he will show you. Know that we’re praying for you and excited to see what God is doing through Emmaus 90! 


Formation Session January 11 Recording

Grace Mazza Urbanski led our Formation Session: How to "Hear" God in Prayer. You can view the video recording below or on our Formation Sessions Page


In this week's session, we mentioned an Audio Guide for Emmaus 90 Prayer. Audio guides and other short videos you might find helpful for your Emmaus 90 adventure are available at: Preparing for Emmaus 90. Grace also showed the 1% Prayer card. To learn more see: 1% Prayer



Prayer with this week’s Daily Scriptures will help us to learn from Jesus about how we grow in community with others.

Started Late or Behind on Our Daily Scriptures?

Don't worry, and be encouraged! Jesus is drawing near, he will walk with you. (And, it's going to be ok.) We made you a video with some helpful tips for where to go from here: CLICK "Help! I'm behind! What do I do?" to watch.


Still Looking for a Pilgrim Group?

The Schoenstatt Retreat Center in Waukesha invites you to their Fr. Kentenich Hall every Thursday during Emmaus 90 for:

  • 6:15-6:45pm Mass or Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation 
  • 6:45pm Rosary
  • 7:00pm Emmaus 90 Formation Session on the Big Screen
  • 7:30pm Small group rooms available for your Pilgrim Group (or find a group when you get there) with Fellowship to follow

Come when you can, leave when you must. 

Located at: W284n698 Cherry Ln, Waukesha, WI 53188


OR to find a parish hosting a watch party near you, see our Watch Parties List


OR ask friends and family to join you! It’s not too late. If you know anyone who is interested, invite them to Get more info and Register for Emmaus 90 HERE. (Emmaus 90 is available in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language)


Upcoming Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Vincent Noth & Samantha Vosters, from Kinship Community Food Center, lead our Formation Session:  Jesus Forms Us in Community. Live this Thursday, January 18, at 7pm!


This Week's Emmaus 90 Story

Every week, we share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. This week, an Emmaus 90 mom shares:


"After hearing about Emmaus 90, I was inspired to invite my husband and children who have received Holy Communion and older to become a family pilgrim group. I wrapped the books and gave them to my husband and 7 participating children for Christmas. They were all delighted, including our teenagers! 

Our 7-year-old son takes his book, Bible, and pencil daily and holds them close to his heart like a little monk to walk to a quiet spot to pray. My 11-year-old daughter rushed in to find me after her prayer time to say that she has seen similar themes in something she is praying about coming up in the Emmaus 90 Scriptures and commented, "It is like a circle!" 


Our entire family enjoys sharing with and listening to one another, as well as being lifted up in prayer and receiving one another's trust and vulnerability in our prayer intentions. Jesus is truly being born anew in our family and setting our hearts on fire. Thank you and thank God for this surprising, amazing, and most desirable gift!"


We LOVE this! Thank you for sharing!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90 for our Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Updates, please share it at EMMAUS 90 Story Submission Form 



Register Now Before It Sells Out!

Healing the Whole Person Conference April 11-13

Sr. Miriam James Heidland will be live in Waukesha for the Healing the Whole Person Conference April 11-13. For scholarships and registration info, see Healing the Whole Person Conference. The teaching will be presented in English with simultaneous interpretation in ASL (American Sign Language) and Spanish. You can participate in-person or by livestream, but seats in-person are almost sold out! Register today to reserve your seat.


Archbishop's Pallium Lecture February 15

The Pallium Lecture is an annual event hosted by Archbishop Jerome Listecki designed to foster conversation and engage the broader culture through the Catholic intellectual tradition. This year's speaker is Dr. Elizabeth Lev, Art Historian, Author and Tour Guide. The Pallium Lecture is free, but registration is required because we run out of space every year. Register now to save a space for you and your pilgrim group.



Quick links 


Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Emmaus 90 Team


  1/11/24 - Emmaus 90 Formation Tonight: Live with Grace Mazza Urbanski at 7pm!

Livestream Formation Session Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"How to Hear God in Prayer"

We’re blessed to have Grace Mazza Urbanski, Author of Pray With Me, lead our Formation Session: How to Hear God in Prayer live TONIGHT:  January 11, at 7:00pm CST on Zoom! 


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us live at 7pm! You do not need to have a zoom account to join. If anything unexpected happens to our zoom, return to this Formation Session Page link where we will post any info you may need. All formation sessions will be recorded and posted to this page.


Healing the Whole Person Conference spots going fast!

Meet Sr. Miriam James at the Healing the Whole Person Conference hosted by Catholic Community of Waukesha April 11-13. Registration opened Monday, and it's already half full. For scholarships and registration info, see Healing the Whole Person Conference 

Please let us know how you are doing with Emmaus 90 Practices by completing the survey at the bottom of this email.


Emmaus 90 Communication Update

We send Emmaus 90 email updates every Thursday and Sunday. We do not send a daily email--please see your Pilgrim Guidebook for your daily prayer prompt.

IF you don't receive our emails, 

IF you would like to update your communication preferences to receive text messages from us (or not to receive text messages from us), or 

IF you know someone registered for Emmaus 90 who wants to be added to our Flocknote email list, 

see our Emmaus 90 Weekly Emails Page for instructions for how to join our Flocknote email list AND for copies of all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update emails we have sent. 


PRO-TIP: Everything you need for Emmaus 90 can be accessed from our Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Page! Explore This Page! Bookmark It! 

Emmaus 90 Story

Every Sunday, we’ll share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90 for our Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Updates, please submit it to EMMAUS 90 Story Submission Form



Other Good Stuff in Case You Missed It

Pre-Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Survey

If you haven't already, please consider completing our anonymous Pre-Emmaus 90 Survey. This survey takes less than 5 minutes and helps us to know how to better serve you and other pilgrims like you.

Still Looking for a Pilgrim Group?
Several parishes hosting Emmaus 90 watch parties would love to welcome you to join them. To find a parish near you, see Watch Parties List.
OR ask friends and family to join you! It’s not too late. If you know anyone who is interested, invite them to Get more info and Register for Emmaus 90 HERE. (Emmaus 90 is available in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language)



Prayer with this week's Daily Scriptures will help us to to learn from Jesus about prayer. Scriptures are linked in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language.


Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Vincent Noth & Samantha Vosters, from Kinship Community Food Center, lead our Formation Session:  Jesus Forms Us in Community. Live next Thursday, January 18, at 7pm! 



Quick links 


Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Emmaus 90 Team

Let us know how you are doing with Emmaus 90 Daily Prayer with Scripture and Daily Examen!

Feeling Great!

I've missed a few days yet feel empowered to keep saying yes!

I've missed a few days and need encouragement to keep saying yes.

I haven't been participating but would like to begin.

  1/7/24 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update - Week 2 begins!

This Week in Emmaus 90

At the end of this first 7 days, take time for "Repetition & Review" (see your Guidebook p.19). Not sure what Repetition & Review looks like? We made you a video that might help: CLICK "Week Review" to watch.


As Sr. Miriam reminded us on Thursday, "Jesus is about transforming our whole life. So we're going to walk on along this path, and we're going to allow the Lord to transform us not just for 90 days but for the rest of our lives."  Know that we’re praying for you and can’t wait to see what God will do through Emmaus 90! 


Formation Session January 4 Recording

If you didn't see it yet, we were so blessed to have Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, lead our first Formation Session: Jesus Draws Close. You can view the recording below or on our Formation Sessions Page. 

We mentioned during our Formation Session that registration for the Healing the Whole Person Conference with Sr. Miriam James hosted by Catholic Community of Waukesha April 11-13 opens Monday, January 8 (and sells out within days). For scholarships and registration info, see Healing the Whole Person Conference



Prayer with this week’s Daily Scriptures will help us to to learn from Jesus about prayer.


Upcoming Formation Session

We’re excited to have Grace Mazza Urbanski, lead our second Formation Session: How to Hear God in Prayer, live this Thursday, January 11, at 7pm!


Still Looking for a Pilgrim Group?

Several parishes hosting Emmaus 90 watch parties would love to welcome you to join them. To find a parish near you, see Watch Parties List


OR ask friends and family to join you! It’s not too late. If you know anyone who is interested, invite them to Get more info and Register for Emmaus 90 HERE. (Emmaus 90 is available in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language)



Emmaus 90 Story

Every week, we’ll share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. This week, Maggie from St. Robert Shorewood shares:


"Three years ago in January 2021, I embarked on a Base Camp journey with three other young women who I'd never met. (Base Camp was the 1st version of Emmaus 90 offered by Brew City Catholic.) We were randomly assigned to a Base Camp Group (think: Pilgrim Group) and began meeting online as the pandemic entered its second year. 


I was suspicious about what kind of fellowship prayer over Zoom with strangers could produce. But just like He did for the disciples on the original road to Emmaus, God worked to reveal some beautiful truths within our group. I am so blessed that through God's grace, my Base Camp group became some of my closest friends. 


Three years later, after countless Bible studies, helping each other move, attending weddings of two group members, helping one friend through a difficult recovery after a tragic car accident, and supporting another as she discerned a different career path and altered her life to more fully serve God, we are embarking on Emmaus 90 as our new Bible study initiative for 2024. 


The Archdiocese of Milwaukee brought us together as a group, and through prayer and friendship, these young women have helped me to know God's love and grace here on earth, as one particular anecdote demonstrates: during one evening prayer session, I was feeling sad and anxious, and really struggling to understand how God could ever love me or desire a relationship with me. My friend looked at me and said simply, "Well, we all care about you, and want to be your friends, don't we?" Her honesty and friendship, as well as faith, in that moment helped me to deepen my relationship not only with my group, but with God as well. 


As we work through Emmaus 90, I encourage other participants to embrace the joys of prayer as a community, because you never know what God can do with a few friends on a journey."


Thank you, Maggie!


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90 for our Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Updates, please submit it to EMMAUS 90 Story Submission Form 



Quick links 


Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Emmaus 90 Team


  1/4/24 - Reminder and Links for First Livestream Formation Session with Sr. Miriam James Heidland.

Our First Livestream Formation Session is Tonight at 7:00PM (CST)!


"Jesus Draws Close"

We’re blessed to have Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, lead our first Formation Session: Jesus Draws Close, live TONIGHT:  January 4, at 7:00pm CST on Zoom! 


Click this Formation Session Page link to join us at 7pm! You do not need to have a zoom account to join. If anything unexpected happens to our zoom, return to this Formation Session Page link where we will post any info you may need. (Dear Jesus, please bless our technology and let nothing distract from us being fully present to you tonight! Amen.)


Tonight's Formation Session (and all Formation Sessions) will be recorded and posted to our Formation Session Page link 



PRO-TIP: Everything you need for Emmaus 90 can be accessed from our Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Page! Explore This Page! Bookmark It! 



Emmaus 90 Communication Update

We send Emmaus 90 email updates every Thursday and Sunday. We do not send a daily email--please see your Pilgrim Guidebook for your daily prayer prompt.

IF you don't receive our emails, 

IF you would like to update your communication preferences to receive text messages from us, or 

IF you know someone registered for Emmaus 90 who wants to be added to our Flocknote email list, 

see our Emmaus 90 Weekly Emails Page for instructions for how to join our Flocknote email list AND for copies of all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update emails we have sent. 



Other Good Stuff In Case You Missed It

Pre-Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Survey

If you haven't already, please consider completing our anonymous Pre-Emmaus 90 Survey. This survey takes less than 5 minutes and helps us to know how to better serve you and other pilgrims like you.


Intro Session

You can view our Intro Session on the Emmaus 90 Formation Sessions Page. Our 7-minute intro session helps you to decide what you want to be different at the end of Emmaus 90 and ask God to give you the grace that this would happen.



Prayer with this week’s Daily Scriptures helps us to get to know our Emmaus 90 Guide, Jesus: who he is and how he draws close to you.


Next Week's Formation Session

We’re blessed to have Grace Mazza Urbanski, Author of Pray With Me, lead our Formation Session: How to Hear God in Prayer, live next Thursday, January 11, at 7pm!



Emmaus 90 Story

Every week, we’ll share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90 for our Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Updates, please submit it to EMMAUS 90 Story Submission Form. Our first Emmaus 90 Story comes from Anja in the video below.



Quick links 


Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


Margaret Rhody and the Emmaus 90 Team



  12/31/23 - Your Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update Week 1: Let the Emmaus 90 Adventure Begin!

YOUR EMMAUS 90 Pilgrim Update Week 1 - 12.31.23



Your 1st Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update
Happy New Year and Let the Emmaus 90 adventure begin!


This Week in Emmaus 90

Our Emmaus 90 adventure begins tomorrow, January 1! We’re praying for you and can’t wait to see what God will do through Emmaus 90! See your Pilgrim Guide for your daily prayer prompts, Scripture passages, and journal pages.


Pre-Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Survey

Please consider completing our anonymous Pre-Emmaus 90 Survey. This survey takes less than 5 minutes and helps us to know how to better serve you and other pilgrims like you.


Formation Session

You can view our Intro Session on the Emmaus 90 Formation Sessions Page. Our 7-minute intro session helps you to decide what you want to be different at the end of Emmaus 90 and ask God to give you the grace that this would happen.



Prayer with this week’s Daily Scriptures helps us to get to know our Emmaus 90 Guide, Jesus: who he is and how he draws close to you.


Coming Up

We’re blessed to have Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, lead our first Formation Session: Jesus Draws Close, live this Thursday, January 4, at 7pm!


Emmaus 90 Story

Every week, we’ll share a story from one of our Emmaus 90 Pilgrims. This week, Anja, from Holy Family Fond du Lac who volunteered for 3 months at the Holy Site of Emmaus in Israel, shares her story of the grace of Emmaus in a brief video message here: 

Anja’s 1 minute invitation to Emmaus 90

Anja’s 5 minute story of the Grace of Emmaus


It’s not too late to join our Emmaus 90 journey. Feel free to share Anja’s story–especially with anyone you hope to invite to join us on Emmaus 90 (or perhaps join your Pilgrim Group). Invite them to Get more info and Register for Emmaus 90 HERE. (Emmaus 90 is available in English, Spanish, and American Sign Language)


If you’d like to share a story about how God has been blessing you through Emmaus 90 for our Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Updates, please submit it to EMMAUS 90 Story Submission Form (Note: It doesn’t have to be a video–most of our stories will be written.)


Quick links 


Know of our prayers for you! Please keep all the Emmaus 90 Pilgrims in your prayers. 


Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Please draw us, form us, and send us in your love to those around us. Amen.


God bless you and your loved ones in this Christmas season, and have a happy New Year!


Margaret Rhody and the Emmaus 90 Team

  12/18/2023 - Welcome to Emmaus 90! Getting Started


Can you believe it? There are only a few more days until the New Year! That means…only a few more days until we begin our 90-day Emmaus 90 pilgrimage from New Years to Easter!


Your Pilgrim Guidebook

If you registered for Emmaus 90 before December 10, you should receive your pilgrim guidebook journal in the mail this week.You may also download the electronic copy of the guidebook here. Your pilgrim guidebook contains prayer resources, our weekly formation training schedule, journaling pages for your daily prayer with Scripture, a daily examen and more. See the Table of Contents on page 3 of your guidebook. 


The Emmaus 90 Family Guide 

Download and print your Family Guide containing tips and tools to adapt Emmaus 90 for your family. 


Pro Tips for Preparation (Getting Started)

Wondering how to get started? Begin with the end in mind. What do you desire to be different after these 90 days? What is God’s dream for you over these 90 days? How do you want your relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church to grow or change? Do not be afraid to share these desires with Jesus! He is your perfect guide on this journey and He is with you! There is space to write down your desires and goals on page 8 & 9 of your guidebook. We encourage you to take this first step as you prepare for Jan 1.


For an overview of Emmaus 90 practices and instructions for how to get started, please watch our Emmaus 90 preparation videos here.


Connect with your Pilgrim Group

Disciples and Eucharistic Missionaries grow in relationship. Connect with your group of 2-3 friends, coworkers, or family and decide on a weekly time & place to meet. Some parishes are hosting watch parties on Thursday and inviting their Pilgrim Groups to participate together. It’s not too late to invite others to join your Pilgrim Group. See page 7 & 12 of your Guidebook for more details. They can still register at: https://www.archmil.org/emmaus-90 


Access Weekly Formation Sessions & More 

Every Thursday, beginning January 4, Emmaus 90 Pilgrims will receive a 30-minute formation session via livestream at 7:00PM in English (6PM in Spanish). You will have access to these sessions, and can watch the recordings here at https://archmil.org/Emmaus-90/Formation-Sessions 


Weekly Pilgrim Updates

Each Sunday, you will receive an email for your weekly “Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update.” This is how we will stay connected with you along the journey! If you purchased Guidebooks for others who did not register an email with us, and they want to receive these emails directly, please invite them to sign up for our emails at Emmaus 90 Pilgrim Update Email Signup.

Know of our prayers for you as Advent draws to a close and we celebrate the birth of our Lord!

Jesus, please help us all to recognize you drawing close, speaking through Sacred Scripture, and truly present in the breaking of the bread at Mass. Inspire and equip us to set out at once and share the good news with others.


God bless you and your loved ones in this season!


Margaret Rhody

Associate Director for Parish Renewal

Office of Evangelization & Catechesis

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