The Congress brings council leaders from both Pastoral and Finance Councils, including Trustees and Pastors, together for communal prayer and discussion around significant issues of pastoral importance. Invited to the event were pastors, administrators, parish directors, trustees, APC members, deanery assembly representatives, pastoral council members, and finance council members.
The morning event began with Archbishop Listecki celebrating Mass at 8:30 a.m., featured full assembly presentations on mission, building relationships and embracing change; and a choice of breakout sessions; and concluded at noon. Approximately 150 people participated in the Congress event.
Here are links to some of the presentations and handouts provided at the Congress:
Our Parishes on Mission
Rich Harter, Director of the Saint Clare Center, Cardinal Stritch University
Embracing the Challenges of Change
Dr. Kathleen Cepelka, Former Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Why Engaging Families is More Important than Ever and How to do it Well
Dr. Kathie Amidei, Pastoral Associate, St. Anthony on the Lake
Starting Small Faith-sharing and Discipleship Groups
Doug Ulaszek, Associate Director, Evangelization & Catechesis/Adults and Family, Archdiocese of Milwaukee
ffective Councils: Mission, Structure, Resources
Laura Engel, Director, Missionary Planning and Leadership, Archdiocese of Milwaukee
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