Parish Stewardship and Development
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Parish Stewardship and Development

Consulting and resources for stewardship education and formation, increasing offertory and parish planned giving.

Parish stewardship introduction

A parish Stewardship Committee functions as the hands and feet of Jesus within a parish and in the community. The committee and its members help to make the parish a place where God’s children are invited, welcomed, and encouraged through the Sacraments and the many ministries of the parish.

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Stewardship Office exists to support and promote parish stewardship activities with periodic in-person programs, advice, and informative materials.

We encourage you to view and use the resources below from our "parish stewardship tool box." If you have any questions or concerns not discussed below, please contact Cindy Lukowitz.

Parish stewardship tool box

Parish stewardship checklist (PDF)
If you are looking for information on what a stewardship committee for parishes might look like, want to know what questions to start asking, or what can be involved in stewardship at the parish level, download this document.

“THANK YOU” Matrix for donations (MS Word)
Each parish is different and so are the ways to say “Thank you” to donors. A great way to show gratitude is to have a process in place before a gift even comes in, this customizable checklist may help.

2024 REBOOT! Stewardship Workshop presentation
This PDF contains the Slides and the Notes used during the Jul, 2024 Workshop to help parishes dig into the Stewardship of Prayer and tips on Building Community.

Tips to recruit volunteers (PDF)
Simple tips and points to think about when looking for or encouraging volunteers. (Less than a page)

Ministry grid (MS Excel)
A sample grid to include with a parish guide or other printed resource that helps new volunteers and seasoned parish veterans, alike, know where they can find out more information to put their time, talent, treasure, and prayer to good use.

Why You Should Run a Registration Drive Zoom – April 2024 (FULL VIDEO)
In YOUR pews - right now - COULD BE the solution to both your need for volunteers and supporters!  This recording from the April 2024 Zoom meeting will cover all the steps needed for a successful Registration Drive. Click HERE for the PDF of the slideshow used in the meeting.  Password for Video: t6eD$s5Z

Name Tag Sunday 2024 (FULL VIDEO)
Want an easy way to help build community at your parish? Try using nametags! This webinar from May 2024 will talk through the how and the why you should consider hosting “Name Tag Sunday” at your parish. Download the PDF used in the presentation.

Offertory Zoom 2024 (FULL VIDEO)
A presentation on parish offertory strategies and tactics presented by the Parish Stewardship office.

Offertory Zoom 2024 (PDF)
These slides and notes were part of a 2024 presentation on Offertory collection in parishes.

Love One Another Campaign signage (2024)
Use the following assets to let your parishioners know that a meeting, speaker, project or event is being funded by donations to the Love One Another Campaign

Parish Stewardship REBOOT!


Use the tools that appear below to address many aspects of Parish Stewardship.

Planned Giving

Bob Pfundstein​
Director of Planned Giving

Stewardship & Offertory

Cindy Lukowitz
Director of Stewardship
Offertory Specialist


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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408