Collections in the Archives
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Collections in the Archives

Our cataloging records are available online through the Salzmann Library and are fully searchable.

Collections Overview

The mission of the Archiocesan Archives is to collect, preserve, organize and make available for research the permanently valuable records and artifacts of this archdiocese that reflect the work of the Church in Southeastern Wisconsin, its people and institutions.  Our collections include:

  • Administrative records of various Archdiocesan offices
  • Records of merged or closed parishes
  • Pre-1921 sacramental records
  • The historic records of various Catholic individuals and organizations within the Archdiocese
  • Parish histories
  • Historic St. Francis Seminary Records
  • Photographs

Archives Researcher Policy

The Archdiocesan Archives is open to researchers, but due to limited staff you must make an appointment. Our contact information appears to the left or on this page.  Our copy fees are below.

If it is not feasible for you to come to the archives you can request a staff member to do the research on your behalf.  Depending on the nature of your request, we may charge a fee for your research request.  Staff time is very limited and we will agree to do research on a case by case basis.  Our fees are as follows:

$10 per 30 minutes of research
$.10 per page scanned or photocopied
$5 per photographic image scanned.  Photographs present more copyright challenges, so consult an archivist for specific information regarding duplicating photographs.

List of Collections by Subject

The following is a list of collections available to researchers.  Note that it is easier to view this list on a desktop/laptop than a mobile device.  This list is arranged alphabetically into 5 major subject areas: Catholic Organizations and Events, Central Office Records, Parishes and Schools, Persons, and St. Francis Seminary.  Many collections have a link to a finding aid, but if a finding aid does not appear on this page for a particular collection then please contact the archives.  A finding aid is a tool that archives use to describe the materials found within a collection.  The collections at the Archdiocesan Archives are not available digitally; please contact the archives if you would like to view the materials.

Alternatively, advanced searches may be done using the online catalog at St. Francis Seminary's Salzmann Library.   While there is no way to limit your search to our archives, all of our collections will be have a location listed as "Pastoral Center Archives."

Catholic Organizations and Events

Lay Organizations

Catholic Information Society.  Records, 1941-2001 (MC 146)
Catholic Parish Library Association.  Records, 1951-1964 (MC 157)
Catholic Social League.  Records, 1959-1997 (MC 97)
Catholic Study Club.  Records, 1934-2004 (MC 177)
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO). Records, 1926-1981 (MC 67)
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), Sheboygan County. Records, 1938-1982 (MC 87) 
Deutscher Maenner Verein.  Records, 1870-1897 (MC 25)
Friends of St. Anthony Hospital. Records, 1964-1988 (MC 72)
Good Samaritan Guild.  Records, 1930-1990 (MC 147)
Hi-Time Publishing Company. Records, 1947-1997 (MC 164)
Kenosha Council of Catholic Men.  Records, 1959-1965 (MC 116)
Leopoldine Society.  Reports, 1829-1867 (MC 20)
Ludwigs-Missionverein.  Correspondence, 1844-1914 (MC 17)
Marian Club of Wauwatosa. Records, 1955-2000 (MC 150)
​Mathaetai Institute of Discipleship. Records, 1986-2003 (MC 155)
Milwaukee Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.  Records, 1920-ongoing (MC 49)
Milwaukee Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, District 9 (Waukesha County).  Records, 1953-1993 (MC 114)
Milwaukee Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, District 5 (Racine County).  Records, 1942-1992 (MC 115)
Milwaukee Council of Catholic Men.  Records, 1920-1970 [bulk 1958-1970] (MC 40)
Missionary Association of Catholic Women.  Records, 1920-2001 (AS 307)
Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  Milwaukee Particular Council Records, 1918-1969 (MC 215)
Sodality Union of the Milwaukee Archdiocese (SUMA).  Records, 1940-1970 (MC 94)
Spring Bank Company, The.  Records, 1896-1928 (MC 188)
St. Boniface Mission League.  Records, 1920-1990 (MC 70)
St. Pius X Guild.  Records, 1951-1981 (MC 63)

Priest/Religious Organizations

Catholic Priests’ Forum.  St. John Vianney Chapter.  Papers, 1969-1986 (MC 29)
Milwaukee Archdiocesan Sisters Council.  Records, 1967-1990 (MC 1)
Priest Senate of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Records, 1967-1983 (MC 12)
Priests Eucharistic League.  Records, 1895-1926 (AS 41)
Srs. of St. Elizabeth (Brookfield, Wis.). Records, 1930-1994 (MC 62)
Wisconsin Association of Catholic Chaplains (WACC).  Records, 1964-1994 (MC 100)


Archdiocese of Milwaukee Central Office Records

Archbishop and Auxiliary Bishop's Office
General Archbishop Collections

Archbishop Office.  Spiritual Times/To Live Is Christ Newsletters, 1999-2005 (AS 168)
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukee.  Homilies, 1984-[ongoing] (MC 140)
Chancery Office.  Circular Letters of the Archbishop, 1843-[ongoing] (AS 207)

Archbishop John Martin Henni (1843-1881)

Henni, Archbishop John Martin. Papers, 1831-1883 (MC 15)

Archbishop Michael Heiss (1881-1890)

Heiss, Archbishop Michael.  Papers, 1818-1890 (MC 16)

Archbishop Frederick Katzer (1890-1903)

Katzer, Archbishop Frederick Xavier.  Papers, 1890-1986 (MC 11)

Archbishop Sebastian G. Messmer (1903-1930)

Messmer, Archbishop Sebastian G.  Papers, 1875-1930 (MC 33)
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Polish Church War.  Records, 1893-1987 (MC 38)

Archbishop Samuel A. Stritch (1930-1939)

Stritch, Archbishop Samuel Alphonsus.  Papers, 1930-1958 (MC 19)

Archbishop Moses E. Kiley (1940-1953)

Kiley, Archbishop Moses E.  Papers, 1906-1961 (MC 18)

Archbishop Albert G. Meyer (1953-1958)

Meyer, Archbishop Albert Gregory.  Papers, 1930-1965 (MC 21)

Bishop Roman R. Atkielski (1947-1969)

Atkielski, Bishop Roman R.  Papers, 1937-1969 (MC 24)

Archbishop William E. Cousins (1959-1977)

Cousins, Archbishop William E.  Papers, 1902-1988 (MC 28)

Catechesis, Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Milwaukee Catholic Press Apostolate, Inc. InSPIRIT Journal, 2002 (MC 149)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries Office. Directories of parish religious education personnel, 1971-1994 (AS 129)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries Office. Early Adolescent Ministry.  Workshop Training Manuals, 1995-2002 (AS 204)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries Office.  Interim Youth Ministry Records, 1985-1994 (AS 185)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries Office. Jean Marie Weber Records, 1974-2001 (AS 244)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries Office. Newsletter: Catechetics/Youth Issue, 1991- 1999 (AS 128)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries Office. Religious Education Congress Programs, 1976- 2003 (AS 158)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries Office. Religious Education Congress Records, 1976- 2003 (AS 132)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries Office. Trumpeter [newsletter], 1982-1991 (AS 127)

Catholic Education and Education-Related Records
Administrative Records

Catholic Teachers’ Institute. Records, 1949-1978 [bulk 1971-1978] (AS 179)
Goebel, Edmund J. Goebel.  Associate Superintendent of School Papers, 1916-1973 (MC 169)
Milwaukee Archdiocesan Elementary Principal's Association (MAEPA). Records, 1975-1995 (AS 262)
Milwaukee Parental Choice Program, The. Records, 1990-1995 (AS 174)
National Catholic Educational Association.  Milwaukee Meeting, 1938 (MC 135)
Office for Schools and Child and Youth Ministries. Afternoons in the Districts, 1981-1985 (AS 130)
Superintendent of Schools, Office of. Records, 1937-1985 (AS 121)

Reports and Directories

Assistant Superintendent of Schools. Survey of Catholic education in the state of Wisconsin, 1971-1991 (AS 123) 
Education, Department of.  Wisconsin Catholic Teachers Directory, 1945-1985 (AS 131)
Superintendent of Schools. Annual Report of the Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, 1938-1968 (AS 126)


Department for Education. Bulletins, 1975-1981 (AS 175)
Office of Schools, Child and Youth Ministries. Trumpeter, 1982-1991 (AS 127)
Schools, Child and Youth Ministries, Office of.  Newsletter, schools issue, 1991-1999 (AS 144)

Groups and Events

Boycott of the Central City Schools and Freedom Schools, 1961-1970. Records (MC 171)
Catholic Schools Staff Development Association, Region 6. Records, 1990-2009 (MC 218)
League of Catholic Home and School Association.  Records, 1940-1976 (MC 136)

Catholic Social Teaching Records

Community Services Department. Records, 1982-1997 (AS 184)
Social Concerns Office. Margie Morgan Records, 1984-2004 (AS 108)
Social Concerns Office. Mike Soika Records, 1979-1990 (AS 293)
Social Ministry Department. Records, 1972-1992 (AS 103)

Chancery Office Records

Chancery Office.  Archdiocesan Property Listings 1836-1857 (AS 48)
Chancery Office.  Newsletter, 1971-ongoing (AS 159)
Chancery Office.  Programs of Instruction, 1950-1970 (AS 50)
Chancery Office.  Stations of the Cross stub books, 1959-1974 (AS 73)

Clergy Office Records

Albert Cardinal Meyer Institute.  Records, 1966-1987 (AS 28)
Office for Religious.  Called Anew by the Spirit Records, 1992-1995 (AS 147)

Communications Office Records

Catholic Film Office.  Records, 1960-1977 (AS 290)
Communications Office.  Access Newsletter, 1991-1999 (AS 202)
Communications Office. Vatican II Awards (AS 37)
St. Bernardine Guild of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.  Records, 1962-1993 (MC 68)

Development Office Records

Catholic Stewardship Appeal.  Scrapbooks, 1926-1970 (AS 285)

Ecumenical and Interfaith Records

Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission.  Records, 1966-1997 (AS 119)
Adult and Family Ministry Office.  Seasons: The Inter-faith family journal, 1982-1996 (AS 140)

Human Resources Office Records

Human Resources. Personnel Manuals and Publications, 1975-[ongoing] (AS 182)

Intercultural Ministry Records

African American Ministry Office. Records, 1988-2008 (AS 218)
Hispanic Ministry Office.  Records, 1974-2005 (AS 283)

Lay Ministerial Formation Records

Christian Formation Unit. CFU Update Newsletter, 1981-1982 (AS 186)
RENEW.  Records, 1979-1985 (AS 7)
Synod Office.  Records, 1984-1987 (AS 3)

Marriage & Family Ministries

Adult and Family Ministry Office.  Lifeline Newsletter, 1977-1996 (AS 201)
Adult and Family Ministry Office.  Passages Newsletter, 1979-2000 (AS 238)
Campaign for Family Prayer.  Records, 1968 (AS 27)
Catholic Family Life Program.  Records, 1944-1982 (AS 36)
​Separated and Divorced Ministry. Records, 1987-2008 (AS 300)
NAIM Conference.  Records, 1972-1980 (AS 71)

Misc Office Records

Archdiocesan Marian Shrine. Records, 1942-2013
Archdiocese of Milwaukee.  Centennial Collection, 1925-1943 (AS 39)
Archdiocese of Milwaukee.  Sesquicentennial Collection, 1989-1994 (AS 178)
Newspaper Scrapbooks. Scrapbooks, 1870s-1930s (MC 224)
Pamphlet Collection.  Records, 1883-1981 (MC 121)
Papal Volunteers for Latin America.  Records, 1960-1986 [bulk 1960-1971] (MC 71)

Missionary Planning and Parish Councils Offices Records

Parish Councils, Office for.  Records, 1969-2003 (AS 105)
Parish Councils and Planning, Office for.  Jubilee 2000 Records, 1998-2001 (AS 153)
Parish Councils and Planning, Office for. Publications, 1972-2006 (AS 280)
Parishes, Department for.  Parish Leadership Newsletter, 1989-2002 (AS 222)
Parishes, Department for.  Planning calendars, 1990-(ongoing) (AS 133)
Parishes, Department for. Publications, 1989-2004

Worship Office Records

Archdiocese of Milwaukee Liturgical Board.  Records, 1964-1988 (AS 90)
Fifth International Church Music Congress.  Scrapbook, n.d. (AS 291)
Pilgrim People. Choir Records and Albums, 1973-1985 (MC 137)
Prayer and Worship, Office for.  Records, 1968-2009 (AS 156)
St. Pius X Guild.  Records, 1951-1981 (MC 63)
Worship, Office of.  Publications, 1964-2001 (AS 5)

Parish and School Records

This list represents the parish collections that are in the Archdiocesan Archives, however no sacramental records are in these collections.  More information about obtaining sacramental records for the purposes of genealogy can be found here.  The vast majority of these collections are of closed parishes, but there may be special circumstances why we have a small collection from a parish that is still open.  Each parish is responsible for maintaining their own parish archives, so if a parish does not appear on this list, please contact them directly.

Fond du Lac County Parishes

Sacred Heart Congregation (Fond du Lac, Wis.). Records, 1957-2000 (MC 125)
St. Joseph Congregation (Fond du Lac, Wis.).  Records, 1847-2000 (MC 128)
St. Louis Congregation (Fond du Lac, Wis.).  Records 1875-2000 (MC 124)
St. Mary Congregation (Fond du Lac, Wis.). Records, 1883-2000 (MC 126)
St. Patrick Congregation (Fond du Lac, Wis.).  Records, 1901-2000 (MC 127)
St. Peter Congregation (St. Peter (Malone), Wis.).  Records, 1899-2000 (MC 129)

Kenosha County Parishes

St. Anthony Congregation (Kenosha, Wis.). Records, 1912-1990 (MC 185)
St. Casimir Congregation (Kenosha, Wis.).  Records, 1901-2000 (MC 122)
St. George Congregation (Kenosha, Wis.). Records, 1890-1999 (MC 123)

Milwaukee (City of) Parishes

St. John Cathedral High School (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1934-1977 (MC 197)
Holy Angels Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1914-1994 (MC 101)
Holy Redeemer Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1897-1995 (MC 93)
Holy Spirit Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.). Records, 1902-1999 (MC 143)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.). Frank Gross Jr. Correspondence, 1925-1931; 1958-1966 (MC 158)
Our Lady of Sorrows Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.). Records, 1955-2007 (MC 212)
Our Lady Queen of Peace Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1948-1980 (MC 45)
St. Adalbert Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1908-1974 (MC 46)
St. Agnes Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1927-1994 (MC 102)
St. Albert Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1953-1991 (MC 73)
St. Anne Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1897-1994 (MC 27)
St. Barbara Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.). Records, 1921-1999 (MC 144)
St. Benedict the Moor Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1912-2002 (MC 163)
St. Boniface Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1912-1994 (MC 81)
St. Casimir Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1894-2003 (MC 47)
Ss. Cyril and Methodius Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1893-1975 (MC 44)
St. Elizabeth Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1903-1993 (MC 133)
St. Gabriel Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1916-1997 (MC 99)
St. Gall Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1906-1994 (MC 145)
St. Gerard Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1925-1997 (MC 43)
St. Hedwig Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1890-1980 (MC 48)
St. Helen Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1925-1976 (MC 42)
St. Ignatius Loyola Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1927-1994 (MC 61)
St. John de Nepomuc Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1884-1994 (MC 111)
St. Josaphat Holy Name Society (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1926-1965 (MC 41)
St. Josaphat Holy Rosary Society (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Dues Books, 1949-1973 (MC 120)
St. Lawrence Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1888-1999 (MC 117)
St. Leo Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1908-1993 (MC 79)
St. Mary Czestochowa Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1907-2001 (MC 156)
St. Matthew Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1911-1999 (MC 118)
St. Nicholas Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1935-1992 (MC 92)
St. Patrick Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.). Records, 1877-1976 (MC 98)
Ss. Peter and Paul Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1873-1979 (MC 36)
St. Philip Neri Congregation, Milwaukee, Wis.). Records, 1957-2007 (MC 211)
​St. Stephen Martyr Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.). Records, 1907-2010 (MC 153)
St. Thomas Aquinas Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1901-1994 (MC 74)
St. Wenceslaus Congregation (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1878-1997 (MC 131)

Milwaukee County Parishes

St. Frederick Congregation (Cudahy, Wis.). Records, 1896-2004 (MC 233)
St. Joseph Congregation (Cudahy, Wis.).  Records, 1901-2000 (MC 151)
Immaculate Heart of Mary Congregation (West Allis, Wis.).  Church Bulletins, 1959-1965 (MC 77)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Congregation (West Allis, Wis.).  Records, 1950-1996 (MC 103)
St. Joseph Congregation (West Allis, Wis.).  Records, 1906-1999 (MC 113)
St. Mary, Help of Christians Congregation (West Allis, Wis.).  Records, 1904-2007 (MC 178)

Racine County Parishes

Holy Name Congregation (Racine, Wis.).  Records, 1884-1997 (MC 108)
Holy Trinity Congregation (Racine, Wis.).  Records, 1914-1998 (MC 109)
St. Casimir Congregation (Racine, Wis.).  Records, 1910-1998 (MC 107)
St. Rose of Lima Congregation (Racine, Wis.).  Records, 1884-1997 (MC 105)
St. Stanislaus Congregation (Racine, Wis.).  Records, 1919-1998 (MC 106)
St. Mary Congregation (Burlington, Wis.).  Weekly Bulletins, 1936-1986. (MC 37)

Sheboygan County Parishes

St. Nicholas Congregation (Dacada, Wis.).  Records, 1942-1999 (MC 161)
St. John Cemetery (Herman, Wis.). Records, 1862-1960 (MC 227)

Washington County Parishes

St. Mary Congregation (Richfield, Wis.). Records, 1983-2003.

Schools (non parish-affiliated)

Central City Catholic School System (Milwaukee, Wis.).  Records, 1981-1995 (MC 57)
St. Joseph High School (Kenosha, Wis.). Yearbooks, 1960-1970 (MC 253)
Messmer High School, Milwaukee.  Records, 1924-1984 (MC 75)
Pio Nono High School.  Records, 1882-1972 (AS 6)
Pius XI High School (Kenosha, Wis.). Yearbooks, 1953-1955 (MC 254)

Personal Manuscript Collections

Priests Who Served in the Archdiocese

Aiken, Richard. Photo Slides, 1966-2005 (MC 268)
Beix, John.  Movie reels, 1940s (MC 186)
Bonduel, Florimond see: MC 26 Pioneer Priests.  Papers, 1824-1920 [bulk 1830-1898]
Bronner, William J. Diaries, 1922-1926 (MC 84)
Budde, Raymond.  Scrapbook, 1933-1940 (MC 223)
Duffy, James. PAVLA Scrapbook, 1962-1971 (MC 207)
Dutko, Michael S. Papers, 1917-1987 (MC 39)
​Emmenegger, Joseph E., 1917-2000.  Papers, 1949-1996 (MC 132)
Fagan, Thomas see: MC 26 Pioneer Priests.  Papers, 1824-1920 [bulk 1830-1898]
Gaetner, Maximillian.  Papers, 1801-1877 (MC 34)
Garvey, Daniel J.  Papers, 1923-1969 (MC 198)
Gass, Sylvester.  Papers, 1927-2000 (MC 142)
Gawinek, Walter.  Papers, 1948-1958 (MC 220)
Gehl, John, 1894-1979 and Malcolm Rosholt, 1907-2005. “Florimond J. Bonduel, Missionary to Wisconsin Territory” Research, 1973-1976 (MC 175)
Grignon, Charles see: MC 26 Pioneer Priests.  Papers, 1824-1920 [bulk 1830-1898]
Ide, Harold.  Papers, 1928-1993 (MC 154)
Inama, Adelbert see: MC 26 Pioneer Priests.  Papers, 1824-1920 [bulk 1830-1898]
Hentzner, John. Papers, 1935-2006 (MC 179)
Johnson, Peter Leo.  Ghost Churches (MC 80)
Johnson, Peter Leo.  Papers, 1908-1972 (MC 13)
Koester, Joseph.  Sermon books, 1893-1902 (MC 7)
Kundig, Martin.  Papers, 1827-1877 (MC 6)
Kurkiewicz, Raymond J.  Papers. 1931-2001 [bulk 1944-1990] (MC 209)
Lawless, John see: MC 26 Pioneer Priests.  Papers, 1824-1920 [bulk 1830-1898]
Lyons, Mark J.  Papers, 1946-1986 (MC 64)
Mac, Florian. Photograph Albums, 1942-1976 (MC 76)
Muench, Aloisius J.  Papers, 1919-1980; bulk dates 1935-1962 (MC 22)
O’Connor, William P.  Papers, 1942-1973 (MC 23)
O’Hearn, David J.  Papers, 1890-1921 (MC 9)
Pioneer Priests.  Papers, 1824-1920 [bulk 1830-1898] (MC 26)
Popek, Alphons S.  Papers, c.1930-1986 (MC 86)
Rainer, Joseph. Papers (MC 14)
Rehrl, Casper see: MC 26 Pioneer Priests.  Papers, 1824-1920 [bulk 1830-1898]
Restle, William.  Photographs, 1913-1957 (MC 213)
Rewolinski, Roman.  Papers and motion pictures, 1935-1950 (MC 110)
Salzmann, Joseph.  Papers, 1847-1898 (MC 32)
Schneider, Francis Xavier.  Papers, 1893-1945 (MC 3)
Schneider, Leon.  Papers, 1927-2000 (MC 201)
Schiffler, Leo. Scrapbooks (MC 141).
Schulze, Frederick.  Papers, 1873-1930 (MC 8)
Schuit, William.  Papers, 1951-1984 (MC 183)
Sleva, Victor Edmund.  Papers, 1933-1993 (MC 66)
Sowinski, Albin F.  Papers, 1951-2001 (MC 202)
Springob, Joseph.  Papers 1890-1990 (MC 58)
Urban, Matthew J.  Papers, 1928-1997 (MC 104)
Vajda, Francis.  Papers, 1929-1963 (MC 252)
Voelker, John M. Papers, 1920-1968 (MC 55)
Walter, Fridolin T.  Music Manuscripts, 1909-1965 (MC 59)
Wanner, David.  “The Brethren,” 1966-1968 (MC 78)
Zardetti, Otto.  Papers, 1871-1895 (MC 30)

Lay Individuals

Bleidorn, Eugene F. Papers, 1916-1997 (MC 51)
Cyrak, Hedwig D. Papers, 1965-1977 (MC 168)
Desmond, Humphrey. Papers, 1880-1920 (MC 241)
Dries, Sr. Angelyn.  German Devotional Books, 1794-1977 (MC 90)
Gard, Thomas More. Papers (MC 291)
Johnston, James M.  Clippings, 1953-1968 (MC 148)
Duward Family.  Papers, 1823-1929 (MC 2)
Rauch, H. Herman.  Audiotapes, 1952-1975 (MC 180)
Rose, Cecelia Klein.  Memoir, 1930 (MC 89)
Seemann, Brother Anthony.  Financial Records, 1854-1874 (MC 31)
Singenberger, John. Papers, 1862-1924 (MC 4)
Sobczak, Lyle. De Sales Memoribilia, 1962-1994 (MC 250)
Waldmer, John.  Research, 1940-2000 (MC 139)

St. Francis Seminary Records

Seminary Records

Liturgical Movement Conference of the Seminary of St. Francis de Sales.  Records, 1931-1955 (AS 20)
St. Francis de Sales College. Yearbooks, 1973-1981 (AS 60)
St. Francis de Sales College. Records, 1965-1980 (AS 85)
St. Francis Seminary Bookstore.  Financial Records, 1882-1952 (AS 80)
St. Francis Seminary Cemetery.  Record Book, 1934-1936 (AS 45)
St. Francis Seminary Choir.  Records, 1941-1978 (AS 79)
St. Francis Seminary.  Annals, 1856-1970 (AS 53)
St. Francis Seminary.  Architectural Specifications, 1949-1955 (AS 72)
St. Francis Seminary.  Athletic Association, 1925-1958 (AS 67)
St. Francis Seminary.  Histories, 1906-1981 (AS 84)
St. Francis Seminary.  Legal Records, 1918-1952 (AS 101)
St. Francis Seminary.  Major Department.  Yearbook, 1969 (AS 57)
St. Francis Seminary.  Mass Intention and Church Announcement Books, 1938-1964 (AS 81)
St. Francis Seminary.  Museum, 1894-1910 (AS 78)
St. Francis Seminary.  Photograph Albums, 1860s-1951 (AS 70)
St. Francis Seminary.  Programs, 1888-(ongoing) (AS 83)
St. Francis Seminary.  Salzmann Library.  Records, 1876-1963 (AS 46)
St. Francis Seminary.  School of Pastoral Ministry.  Catalogues, 1878-1982 (AS 64)
St. Francis Seminary.  School of Pastoral Ministry.  Self-Study Reports, 1962-1974 (AS 69)
St. Francis Seminary.  Stage committee records, 1912-1941 (AS 19)
St. Francis Seminary.  Student Publications, 1910-1980 (AS 4)
St. Francis Seminary.  Speech unit records, 1907-1941 (bulk 1927-1941) (AS 10)
St. Francis Seminary.  Seminary Billiard department records, 1926-1949 (AS 15)

Student Association Records

Albertus Verein.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1873-1949 (AS 16)
Confraternitas Servorum Spiritus Sancti.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1883-1921 (AS 26)
Die Republik.  St. Francis Seminary, Records, 1883-1885 (AS 17)
Faber Chorus.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1909-1920 (AS 18)
League of the Sacred Heart.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1926-1966 (AS 40)
Pope Leo XIII Latin Society.  St. Francis Seminary.  Minute Book, 1939-1941 (AS 25)
Societe St. Jean Baptiste.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1904-1935 (AS 56)
Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1864-1968 (AS 24)
St. Bonifatius Verein.  St. Francis Seminary, Records, 1878-1924 (AS 8)
St. Francis de Sales Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Minutes, 1916-1951 (bulk 1916-1927) (AS 22)
St. James Literary Society.  St. Francis Seminary, Records, 1885-1961 (AS 11)
St. Joseph Debating and Literary Society.  St. Francis Seminary.  Minute books, 1873-1877 (AS 14)
St. Joseph’s Lyceum.  St. Francis Seminary, Records, 1885-1961 (AS 12)
St. Michael’s Lyceum.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1863-1866 (AS 13)
St. Philip Neri Mission Society.  St. Francis Seminary, Records, 1922-1968 (AS 9)
St. Stanislaus Kostka Literary and Debating Society.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1882-1963 (AS 29)
St. Thomas Literary and Debating Society.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1873-1965 (AS 23)
Third Order of St. Francis.  St. Francis Seminary.  Records, 1887-1967 (AS 21)

Seminary High School Records

De Sales Preparatory Seminary High School.  Catalogues, 1962-1974 (AS 62)
De Sales Preparatory Seminary High School.  Library.  The Bibliophile, 1954-1969 (AS 61)
De Sales Preparatory Seminary High School.  Sports Booklets, 1959-1976 (AS 66)
De Sales Preparatory Seminary High School.  Records, 1941-1979 (AS 88)
De Sales Preparatory Seminary High School.  The Rector’s Bulletin, 1954-1973 (AS 65)
De Sales Preparatory Seminary High School.  Yearbooks, 1955-1979 (AS 59)
St. Francis Seminary. Call to Ministry High School Program. Records, 1979-1991 (AS 114)
St. Francis Seminary.  High School Department.  Yearbooks, 1926-1930 (AS 58)
St. Francis Seminary.  Minor Department.  Catalogues, 1941-1962 (AS 63)

Shelly Taylor, MA, MLIS
Director of Archives and Records Management
Contact for General Reference Questions

Amy Lisinski, MLIS
Associate Director of Archives and Records Management
Contact for Sacramental and Genealogy Questions

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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