After you have run the MissionInsite reports, now what? Laura Engel, Associate Director of Missionary Planning and Leadership, offers key insights on MissionInsite reports so that you can take the next steps of analysis, interpretation and application.
What's Your Parish and Community Story, March 2021 - using MissionInsite in your planning process
MissionInsite Data and How to Get It, February 2021 - plot parishioners, define planning area, generate reports
Mind the Gap, March 2020 – data gaps, demographic differences
A Tale of Two Stories, April 2020 – time gaps, time intervals
How Can I Use My ComparativeInsite Report, June 2020 – ComparativeInsite analysis
What Can Population Trends Mean to Our Parish?, July 2020 – analyze population trends
Why Should We, and How Do We Use Data in Planning?, August 2020 – using data in planning
Presentations on MissionInsite have been made at different times and in different venues. You may find the information contained in these presentations helpful.
What’s Your Parish and Community Story: Using MissionInsite in Your Planning presented by Laura Engel for the 2021 Gigs, Geeks & God Conference
Whether you’ve been engaged in planning at your parish for a while or are deciding to embark on a new planning journey, data should play a significant role in the planning process. Data available to you and your team can provide valuable insights and paint a clearer picture of what is going on in your parish and surrounding community. Together we'll discover how to Analyze, Interpret and Apply data from MissionInsite, a demographic tool provided to our parishes at no cost, to bridge the gap from data to decision.
How to Generate the MissionInsite Reports You Need for Planning: A Step-by-step Demonstration pre-recorded by Laura Engel for the 2021 Gigs, Geeks & God Conference.
Data from MissionInsite, a demographic tool provided to our parishes at no cost, helps us create a picture of our communities and parishes – where they've been, where they are, where they're going. Application of this data can give a parish team direction in their missionary planning process. Together we'll walk through step-by-step instructions to access household and individual demographic information including future projections, map your parish members, and cross-analyze your parish and community.
Using MissionInsite to Build Parish Membership & School Enrollment by Carol Rybak, Schools Marketing Manager, and Mark Kemmeter. Presented March 29, 2019, at Planning for the Future of Catholic Schools Conference.
Use MissionInsite to Build Parish Membership & School Enrollment by Mark Kemmeter, Director for the Office for Planning & Councils; Carol Rybak, Schools Marketing Manager, and Susan Skibba, MissionInsite Coordinator. Presented January 10, 2019, at Gigs, Geeks & God.
Keynote Presentation by Chuck Salter, MissionInsite President. Provides an overview of the Archdiocese, which demonstrates just some of MissionInsite's capabilities, and how you can obtain useful information using it, as well as the new User Interface that became available February 6, 2018. Presented February 2, 2018, at the Parish Council Congress.
Analysis of MissionInsite Data by Mark Kemmeter, Director for the Office for Planning & Councils. Provides a better understanding of how MissionInsite can provide a parish with key information to focus ministerial efforts. Presented February 2, 2018, at the Parish Council Congress.
Basics of MissionInsite by Susan Skibba, MissionInsite Coordinator. Provides an introduction to new core users of the report menu, how to generate reports, how to create maps, and how the data can assist your mission activity in the parish. Presented February 2, 2018, at the Parish Council Congress.
Parish Uses of MissionInsite by Mark Kemmeter, Director for Office for Planning & Councils and Susan Skibba, MissionInsite Coordinator. Provides an overview of MissionInsite and its reports. Presented January 10, 2018, at Gigs, Geeks & God.
PowerPoint presentation by Chuck Salter, MissionInsite President. Provides an overview of the Archdiocese, which demonstrates just some of MissionInsite's capabilities (using old platform) , and how you can obtain useful information using it. Presented on February 11, 2017, at the Parish Council Congress.
NOTE: All of the presentations listed above are PDFs of the original PowerPoint. If you would like the actual PowerPoint sent to you, contact Laura Engel, Project & MissionInsite Coordinator, at requesting the specific PowerPoint presentation(s) and she will send it/them to you.