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We are in the process of updating our guidelines for preparing youth for Confirmation and suggested resources. If you have questions or needs in the meantime, please email our office below for assistance. Thank you for your patience!

Scheduling Confirmation Masses

Parishes schedule Confirmation Masses each Spring for the upcoming calendar year (e.g. Masses for 2025 will be scheduled in Spring 2024). A request form is sent to parishes by the Office of the Auxilary Bishops and the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis.

Requests are accepted through the late Spring, with the schedule available by early Summer. 

Parishes with fewer than 20 candidates are asked to collaborate with neighboring parishes on a combined Confirmation Mass.

2024 Confirmation Mass Schedule

2025 Confirmation Mass Schedule

Planning Confirmation Masses

Please use the guides below as you plan your Confirmation Mass. Please note that there are different guides for the Archbishop and the Auxiliary Bishops.

Planning Guides must be returned no later than 30 days before your Confirmation Mass. 


Archbishop Listecki

Archbishop Listecki Confirmation Planning Guide

Auxiliary Bishops

Auxiliary Bishop Confirmation Information Guide

Auxiliary Bishop Confirmation Planning Guide | Ritual Mass

Auxiliary Bishop Confirmation Planning Guide
| Sunday Mass


Candidate Questionnaires

Questionnaires should be printed and signed by candidates, then read by a parish staff member prior to submission (to address any concerns expressed in the questionnaires). 

Please turn in all questionnaries with your Liturgy Planning Guide no later than 30 days prior to your Confirmation Mass.

The Archbishop requests that candidates he confirms write a letter instead of a questionnarie. Refer to his Liturgy Planning Guide for more information.

Confirmation Questionnaire | English

​Confirmation Questionnaire | Spanish

Stay Connected

Meg Aspinwall
Associate Director Evangelization & Catechesis | Middle & High School

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408