Season's Greetings from the Office for World Mission and La Sagrada Familia Parish!
We wanted to share with you these Christmas and year-end updates, written by Fr. Javier Guativa, Pastor of our sister parish in the Dominican Republic:
Greetings from La Sagrada Familia!
It is with great joy that I write to you today, to share with you some of our latest news from La Sagrada Familia.
Masses, Visits, and Blessings
During the month of December (Associate Pastor) Fr. Thomas and I visited all the communities that belong to La Sagrada Familia Parish. In each one of them, we celebrated Mass with the joy of God’s love for each one of us.
From Dec 26-28, we had the Pastoral visit of Bishop José Grullón. Bishop Grullón is retiring and this was his last Pastoral visit as the Ordinary of the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana.
Bishop Grullón celebrated 96 confirmations and he was very thankful for the great job the parish is doing in finding ways to continue the catechetical programs. He remarked: “It is a joy to know that this parish doesn’t have a spiritual pandemic. Ninety-six confirmations goes to show that the catechesis didn’t get sick here”
On December 28th, we organized a gathering for most of the priests that minister within the Diocese. We had the gathering at retreat house “Altos de La Caobita.” It is an ecological hotel (as well as retreat house) that the Community of Saint Paul and the Office for World Mission (with support of a grant from the Faith in Our Future Trust) are building. Bishop Grullón blessed the retreat house and he was impressed by the location and the peacefulness of the place.
Christmas Celebrations
As we do every year, we organized a Christmas lunch for 102 elderly people. We had to organize the lunch following all the requirements of the health department. The attendants were extremely happy. They received Christmas gifts from the parish and together we celebrated the upcoming year.
We also organized Christmas parties for the children that attend the nutritional centers.
Our staff got together for a day of reflection and celebration of Christmas.
On December 23, we celebrated Christmas Mass at the local jail. We took groceries for the inmates so that they can get together and have their own Christmas dinner.
Personally, I have to say that the joy I saw in their faces during the Mass was my Christmas gift.
Fr. Javier Guativa, Pastor of La Sagrada Familia, December 2020.
We at World Mission are so thankful for Fr. Javier, Fr. Thomas, and all the pastoral staff and volunteers in La Sagrada Familia.
They have faced the challenges of the past year and continued to meet the material and spiritual needs of the community, by preparing and distributing food deliveries and hygiene kits, developing and providing educational enrichment materials to families when the Children's Centers were closed, and finding safe ways to celebrate Masses. Please click for more information on these programs.
As we begin a new year, we are also thankful for you, our brothers and sisters in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and beyond. Your prayers and financial support have made it possible to continue and expand these important ministries.
For regular parish updates, please follow us on Facebook.
If you would like to give in support of La Sagrada Familia, please click here to donate online.
We wish you many blessings in the New Year.