Prayers of the Faithful--Special Collection 2013
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La Sagrada Familia MassWe have created intentions that you may add to your Prayers of the Faithful for the weekends leading up to and including the Special Collection, if you wish to do so. You may choose any or all of these intentions for any of the weekends.
(Download a Word file of the intentions)

  • For our archdiocesan priests and volunteers who serve in our sister parish in the Dominican Republic and for all missionaries, may God bless them and their service.
    We pray to the Lord.
  • In gratitude for the loving services provided in the nutrition centers, schools, and health centers in our sister parish in the Dominican Republic and for all who help to make these services possible by their prayers, time, and resources.
    We pray to the Lord.
  • For our relationship with our sister parish, La Sagrada Familia, in the Dominican Republic: May we continue to grow in the spirit of mutuality and respect, as we give thanks for our 32 years of sharing faith and friendship and celebrate the blessing that comes from seeing the world through each other’s eyes.
    We pray to the Lord.


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