Praying with Scripture to Know Jesus
How-to Guide
Spanish Verses
Audio Guide
1. Matthew 16:13-17 | Who do you say that I am?
2. Matthew 3:13-17 | The baptism of Jesus
3. John 4:4-26 | Jesus offers living water
4. Luke 5:1-11 | Put out into the deep
5. Mark 1:21-39 | A day with Jesus
6. Mark 2:1-12 | Jesus forgives and heals
7. Luke 7:36-50 | Jesus sees us
8. Mark 4:35-41 | Jesus calms the storm
9. Mark 5:25-34 | Your faith has saved you
10. Mark 6:30-44 | Jesus feeds the 5,000
11. Matthew 14:22-33 | Jesus walks on water
12. Mark 9:30-37 | Willing to give it all
13. Mark 10:17-31 | The challenge of Jesus
14. John 10:7-18 | The Good Shepherd
15. Luke 10:38-42 | You need only one thing
16. John 11:1-44 | Jesus raises the dead
17. John 8:1-11 | Jesus doesn't condemn
18. Mark 10:46-52 | Jesus' question
19. Luke 19:1-10 | Jesus invites himself over
20. Luke 15:11-32 | Jesus' forgiving Father
21. Matthew 20:20-28 | Servant of all
22. Matthew 25:31-40 | Jesus as poor
23. John 12:1-8 | Worthy of all honor
24. John 13:1-17 | The call to humble service
25. Luke 22:14-20 | Given for you
26. Matthew 26:36-46 | Surrender
27. Luke 23:33-47 | Jesus gives everything for you
28. John 20:1-18 | Jesus is alive
29. Luke 24:13-34 | Jesus made known
30. Matthew 28:16-20 | Jesus calls you
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