Missionary Leader Update | Fall 2022
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Missionary Leader Update | Fall 2022



Parish Councils Congress Returns | November 19, 2022 - Register Today

The Parish Councils Congress, not held since 2019, is returning to the Mary Mother of the Church Pastoral Center on Saturday morning, November 19, 8:30 am-noon. The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council will host the event at the Pastoral Center, 3501 S. Lake Dr., St. Francis, WI. Register below to attend this year’s event.

The Congress event brings council leaders from both Pastoral and Finance Councils, including Trustees and Pastors, together for communal prayer and discussion around significant issues of pastoral importance. Invited to the event are pastors, administrators, parish directors, trustees, APC members, deanery assembly representatives, pastoral council members, and finance council members.

The morning event begins with Archbishop Listecki celebrating Mass at 8:30, features full assembly presentations and a choice of breakout sessions, and will conclude at noon. Here is a preview of the morning’s agenda:

Full Assembly Presentations

Our Parishes on Mission
Rich Harter
Director of the Saint Clare Center, Cardinal Stritch University

Building Relationships – With Each Other and With Jesus
Fr. Don Thimm
Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Embracing the Challenges of Change
Dr. Kathleen Cepelka
Former Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Breakout Sessions

Engaging Family and Youth in our Parishes
Dr. Kathie Amidei
Pastoral Associate, St. Anthony on the Lake

Effective Councils: Mission, Structure, Resources
Laura Engel
Associate Director, Missionary Planning and Leadership
Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Starting Small Faith-sharing and Discipleship Groups
Doug Ulaszek
Associate Director, Evangelization & Catechesis/Adults and Family
Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Every day, we are called to ignite, renew, and energize Christ’s mission. This year’s event offers the opportunity for pastoral and finance council members, including trustees and pastors to attend sessions together as parish leaders called to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ and the Church. Come, represent your parish, and meet leaders from other parishes!

See the full agenda and register today! 

Register Today

Planning Tools: SWOT Analysis

The Office of Missionary Planning and Leadership supports parish leaders in the missionary development and growth of your parish with our Planning Toolbox.

In this edition of Missionary Leader Update, we want you to be aware of a tool in our toolbox called a SWOT Analysis. Many of you may be familiar with this tool as it is used frequently in the business world in strategic planning efforts. This tool helps a parish to look at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It can be designed as a broad parish assessment and/or as an assessment of a particular facet of parish life. In addition, feedback can be elicited from key stakeholders at the parish all the way to a full parishioner survey. A trainer from our office can help you determine your focus and scope, while also assisting you in identifying opportunities for growth.



Updated Code of Ethics – Action is Needed

From the Office of the Archbishop:

The Code of Ethical Standards for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has been revised and is available in English and Spanish by clicking here.

All clergy, lay employees, and volunteers of parishes, schools, and archdiocesan central offices are required to review and acknowledge the code.  

Ensuring all who work on behalf of the Catholic Church conduct themselves in the standards of ethical behavior is critically important today. The code serves as an instrument of accountability to help us hold ourselves and others to the highest standards as we minister in our parishes, schools, communities, and to the world around us.   

Here are some of the key areas of the code that have been changed:

  1. The title of the document and p. 3 under Scope & Intent were changed to make it clear that the code applies to all employees and volunteers at a parish, school, or archdiocesan entity.
  2. Conduct with Minors on pp. 8-9 was changed to include those who are equivalent to minors.
  3. The meaning of harassment was expanded in the Just Treatment section on pp. 9-10.
  4. Sections on pp. 13, 14 and 15 were updated and/or added.

It is the responsibility of each pastor/parish director and school principal to make sure the updated code is reviewed and signed by all parish/school personnel, either electronically through CMG Connect or by printing and signing the signature page, which should then be placed in the employee’s personnel file. Note, an electronic acknowledgement in CMG of the updated Code of Ethics fulfills the requirement of having a signed copy in the personnel file.

Thank you for your vigilance in adhering to the standards and practices expected of those who minister in the Church.

Sign Here

Ongoing Database Updates

We are currently updating our database and mailing list for our Missionary Leader Update newsletter and realize that your role in your parish may have changed. If you are no longer in a parish leadership role or council member, or no longer wish to receive the Missionary Leader Update newsletter, please email your request to Rosalita Villa at villar@archmil.org.

 Leading Like Jesus 

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads,[b] with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness. – Romans 1:3-8

  1. Do you give real authority and responsibility to others which encourages them to confidently and freely use their gifts to serve others?
  2. Do you challenge disciples to go beyond what they thought that they could accomplish so they continue to grow and expand in their service to others?
  3. Is your team equipped with proper training and resources to complete their work?

Missionary Leader Update

This update is sent via email to pastors, parish directors, deacons, trustees, council members, committee chairs, and other parish leaders and staff to inspire, inform, engage, and empower leaders in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee so that they are equipped for mission-driven and data-informed planning and leadership. 

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

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