FTS Studios
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FTS Studios

FTS Studios

On June 1, 2017, the Fr. Ted Schmitt (FTS) Studios were dedicated by Archbishop Listecki. FTS Studios is a newly renovated and remodeled audio and recording studio located in the basement of the Mary Mother of the Church Pastoral Center. From these recording studios comes a variety of impactful, engaging, and enriching programs, including Archbishop Listecki's weekly radio show on Relevant Radio, "Living Our Faith." All of the English and Spanish programs can be accessed below.  

Below, Archbishop Listecki shares his memories of Fr. Ted Schmitt in his Love One Another blog from May 19, 2019.

"Fr. Ted worked in Hollywood and had a promising career until God intervened and called him to the priesthood. He was committed to the importance of messaging and the use of all the modern means capable of producing an outreach to the public. He was convinced, like St. Paul, of the transformative message of Jesus Christ and believed in using whatever means available in order to reach those in need of Christ and His Church.

I had the privilege of interviewing Fr. Ted on my weekly radio show on Relevant Radio. We talked about his interesting story and the need for the Church to use various modes of communication. We both lamented that the Church is often behind the times, yet the world needs what it has to offer. Tragically, Fr. Ted died a year and half ago, but in his will left a gift to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to further the ministry of communication."


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