Called & Gifted
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Called & Gifted Workshop

A GalileeU Retreat Experience

English | Español


In your Baptism and Confirmation, you received gifts that our world needs. Do you know yours?



As you uncover your gifts, you discover that they are important clues to the particular mission God has for you. These gifts of the Holy Spirit, called charisms, enable you to be a channel of God’s love, truth, beauty, mercy, healing, and provision for others.

The Catherine of Sienna Institute's Called & Gifted Workshop is an offering of GalileeU, a program by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Office of Evangelization and Catechesis.

Registration fee for Called & Gifted covers materials, online access, continental breakfast, and lunch. 

| Upcoming Live Workshops |

April 5, 2025

Catholic Community of Eight in Racine

St. Richard of Chichester Parish

1509 Grand Ave

Racine, WI

More Info and Register

9:00 - 3:30
$50.00 per Person

Lunch Included

Registration Required by March 28


Contact: Eric Antrim,

| Upcoming Video Series Workshops |

(New dates will be published soon)
St. Dominic Catholic Parish
18255 W Capitol Dr.
Brookfield, WI 53045

More Info & Register

9:00am - 3:00pm
$70.00 per person
Lunch Included


What to Expect:

There are 3 parts to the Called & Gifted Discernment Process. Registration for a Called & Gifted Workshop in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee includes access to all these opportunities to help you discern your Spiritual Gifts given to you by the Holy Spirit!


  1. Called & Gifted Workshop (9:00am - 3:30pm) - The workshop includes teachings about Charisms & offers tools to help you discern the presence of Charisms in your life. You will need to complete a spiritual gifts inventory quiz online before the workshop date. Registration includes access to Catherine of Siena Institute's online learning platform for 6 months.

  2. Called & Gifted Gifts Interview - optional 1 hour interview post-event with a local Called & Gifted Trained Interviewer. ($50.00 value offered to you free of charge from our local team through a generous grant from Faith in Our Future.) This is an invaluable part of the discernment process! 

  3. Discernment in Depth Small Group - optional participation post-event for discerning your charisms with a small group. (Organized by local Called & Gifted Leaders; participation is free & optional, but an invaluable part of the discernment process!)


Learn more here



If you wish to cancel your registration for a live workshop hosted by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, you will be eligible for a full refund (less a processing fee) up to the date that registration closes. Please see registration page for dates.
Parishes hosting the video series workshop may have a different policy.

For more information about Called & Gifted, see Catherine of Siena Institute.

Stay tuned for more information on future Called & Gifted Workshops, offered regularly through GalileeU.





There is no greater joy than living in His power in the blessed intersection of your gifts and the world's need! 






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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
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