New Evangelization
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New Evangelization

Find out what resources, programs, tools, and events we have available for your parish. We would love to come to your parish and have a conversation about how we can work together.

New Evangelization

If you are a parish seeking to start or re-energize your evangelization outreach, we would love to come to speak with you and your leaders. Please contact us for more info and to schedule a conversation. Below are resources and tools available for your parish and parishioners. 

Evangelization Vision

Understand Jesus' plan to reach all people, and where you and your church fit. 

Resources for Parishes

Prayer made simple: 1% Challenge, Post-Game Review, and Reconciliation.

Missionary Discipleship Institute

Be formed for a life of mission in a community of Catholic leaders from Around the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

Catholic ID

Coaching for your parish to form disciples through small groups.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408