Holy Family, Fond du Lac Ellen Kant | ellenk@hffdl.org
Our Lady of Lourdes, Milwaukee Maryrose Wolf | wolfm@ololmke.org
St. Andrew, Delavan Ann Paulsen | accounting@saspcatholics.org
St. Anthony on the Lake Shannon Dakovich | dakovichs@stanthony.cc
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Milwaukee Mark Kitzerow | markkitzerow@stjohncathedral.org
St. Joseph, Racine Mike Reth | businessmanager@st-joes.org
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Rob Kratoska | kratoskar@archmil.org
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Anne Levendoski | levendoskia@archmil.org
Archdiocese of Milwaukee Karly Gaulke | gaulkek@archmil.org
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