Youth Leader Events
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Youth Leader Events

We want to help you grow as a leader and feel supported in this important work! 



Parish Youth Leader Events

Gather in-person with other parish leaders for formation, spiritual renewal, and community. While short, these events have a huge impact on our health and our work with teens. See the full schedule for complete times & details.

2023-2024 Leader Events


November 7 | Equip Day

February 7/8/20/21 | Staff Mission Days

Pick a day and location to join us with your whole staff!

March 19 | Equip Day


More Coming Soon!

Parish Youth Leader Calls

Join parish youth leaders across the Archdiocese for a fast-paced, quick Zoom call.  Connect and check-in with other leaders, share wins, talk about obstacles and solutions, and learn new skills for ministry. Have some fun and win some prizes, too!

2023-2024 PYL Calls


Dates Coming Soon


Fuel Your Ministry

We believe in YOU as a youth leader, and we know this work is hard. To help lighten the load, we partner with national ministries to provide resources to you at little or no cost. 


As a branch of NET Ministries, YDisciple provides video and non-video content for teen discipleship groups. The content is top-notch, and the adult training materials are even better, with practical training in both English and Spanish, parent resources, and more. 

If you'd like to subscribe to YDisciple for your parish (normally $595/year) at a reduced or no cost, reach out to us! 


Powered by ProjectYM, Thrive is an online community of Youth Ministersfilled with discussion boards, online resources, expert advice, and video training courses to help you be the best youth minister for your parish. 

Thanks to a generous grant from the Faith in Our Future Trust, ThrivePro is FREE for every parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee (normally $390/year). Contact us to learn how to sign up!


Need Something Else?

Do you have a specific question? Want to set up some time to dream big, make plans, or learn more about what works? We are here to help. 

Send Meg an email to schedule a meeting.

Stay Connected

Meg Aspinwall
Associate Director Evangelization & Catechesis | Middle & High School

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408