Whispers in the Pew
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Whispers in the Pew

Whispers in the Pew Parent Booklet


Whispers in the Pew is a magazine-style booklet for parents of young children. 

Archbishop Listecki writes, “Whispers in the Pew reminds me of the very best way children learn about liturgy: directly from their parents, grandparents or caregivers during Mass. When children return to church every week, questions naturally arise: 'What’s that for?' 'Why does the priest do that?' 'Why are we standing up again?' Sitting close enough in the pews to whisper responses, adults lovingly pass on the faith to the children Jesus treasures."

Whispers in the Pew is available to parishes, at no cost, to distribute to parents of young children, whether in church, in a sacramental program, in a parent group, or individually.  

For copies of the booklet, email Jennifer Murphy, murphyj@archmil.org.  Indicate the quantity requested, your name, your parish, whether you want to pick up or have them shipped to your parish, and, if so, the parish shipping address.

Individual parents may also request a copy.  Contact Jennifer Murphy, murphyj@archmil.org​ or 414-758-2240.


Download PDF of Whispers in the Pew for printing or sharing


Mass Find-it Card


The Whispers in the Pew booklet features two pages that parents can use with their children in church:

  • Where are we in the Mass?
  • Can you find?

These two activity pages are now available as a two-sided laminated card (8 1/2x 11 inch).


For copies of the laminated card, at no cost, email Rosalita Villa, villar@archmil.org.  Indicate the quantity requested, your name, your parish, whether you want to pick up or have them shipped to your parish, and, if so, the parish shipping address.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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St. Francis, WI 53235

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