“Religious life in its various forms is called to signify the very charity of God in the language of our time.” (CCC 926)
Discerning a call to religious life takes time, as there are many religious orders around the country and around the world. Discernment requires spending time with the order, getting to know the sisters or brothers and how they live and serve, and much time spent in prayer. Below are six tips to help in your discernment journey.
Academic status and the prerequisites for the Priest Formation Program at Saint Francis Seminary.
A comprehensive list of what the Catholic church looks for in candidates for the priesthood.
Cor Mariae is a discernment group for women that meets the first Saturday of every month in the chapel at St. Robert Parish in Shorewood. The group spends time in Adoration and receives formation or information from various speakers. Contact Fr. John Burns for more information.
Religious Communities for Women
The John Paul II House of Discernment, located at St. Robert Parish in Shorewood, offers young men the opportunity to live in community and discern whether or not they may have a call to the priesthood or religious life. Young men interested in learning more should contact Fr. John Burns.
Religious Communities for Men
Fr. John Burns Vocation Promoter Promoter of Women's Religious and Consecrated Life frjohnburns@renewreligious.org
3501 South Lake Drive St. Francis, WI 53235