Scout Leaders & Safe Environment FAQ
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Scout Leaders & Safe Environment FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions
About Scout Leaders and Archdiocesan Safe Environment Requirements

► Background

Since the early 2000s, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee has required that all adult employees and volunteers working with minors 1) participate in safe environment training, 2) submit to a criminal background check, and 3) read and sign the archdiocesan Code of Ethical Standards.  In the past, recognizing that the Boy Scouts of America required adult leaders to complete Youth Protection Training every two years, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee accepted BSA Youth Protection Training as a substitute for its own Safe Environment Education for adults.  This practice changed in July 2020.

► How is Archdiocese of Milwaukee policy and practice changing?

As of July 1, 2020, BSA Youth Protection Training is no longer accepted as an alternative way to meet the archdiocesan requirement to attend a Safe Environment session.  This means that any employee or volunteer in the parish/school that had previously met this requirement through BSA Youth Protection Training must now attend a live Safe Environment training in the Archdiocese to continue volunteering/working at the parish/school.

There is no change to the existing requirements that an employee or volunteer working with youth submit to a criminal background check every 5 years, and read/sign the Code of Ethical Standards.  Both these requirements continue as before.

► To which adults in scouting does the archdiocesan safe environment policy apply?

This applies to adults involved with any unit (pack/troop/crew) chartered by a Catholic parish or school, or any unit that is hosted by or holds meetings and events at a Catholic parish or school. 

From the point of view of the parish or school, adults involved with scouting activities on-site or under the auspices of the parish/school are volunteers of the parish/school, and therefore, must meet the requirements of all volunteers working with minors.

This applies to adults working with Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls, and other comparable youth organizations and activities.

► Why is this change being made?

This change in practice will help ensure that ALL adults working with minors in the parish or school will have completed the same training.  It will also enable scout leaders associated with a parish or Catholic school to be certified by the Archdiocese and listed as cleared for work with minors, in the same way as all other employees and volunteers in the parish/school.  The Archdiocese of Milwaukee, in partnership with the Catholic Mutual Group, has established a centralized database enabling the Archdiocese to certify that an adult has met all safeguarding requirements – safe environment training, background check (every 5 years) and signed code of ethical standards. 

► What is required?  What must I do?

You should check with the “Safe Environment Coordinator” at the parish or Catholic school associated with your scouting unit.  Each parish or school has a coordinator who can check your safe environment records and is ready to provide guidance. 

If you have already completed a live Safe Environment Education session (and had a background check within 5 years and Code of Ethical Standards in your record), nothing more is required.

If you have not yet completed a live Safe Environment Education session, you should register for a session online.  If you had not already submitted to a criminal background check through the Archdiocese, or signed the Code of Ethical Standards, these too will be part of the online registration process.

► Is safe environment training available online?

Due to the pandemic, all safe environment training sessions are conducted virtually, in accordance with the guidelines laid out in the Catholic Comeback matrix.  Participants will register for a session using the same process as an in-person session, and will be emailed the session log-in information 48 hours prior to the session. 

► How do I register for a Safe Environment Session?

Instructions for registering, and a schedule of upcoming sessions, are available on the Archdiocese of Milwaukee website:

The instructions will lead you to the CMG Connect portal where you can complete all safeguarding requirements:  register for training, provide information for the criminal background check, and read and sign the Code of Ethical Standards.

If you have any questions regarding the training, the registration process, or your own safe environment records, contact the Safe Environment Coordinator at the parish/school.  If you are unsure or unable to contact the local Coordinator, contact Suzanne Nickolai, Safe Environment Manager,

► Is there a cost to attend the training?

There is no cost to you.           

► How often must training be taken to maintain certification? 

The safe environment education session is required only once.  It need not be repeated.

► Who within the Archdiocese will maintain my records?  

Information is maintained on the secure “CMGConnect” website operated in partnership with Catholic Mutual.  Each parish/school has access and manages records of their own employees and volunteers. Everything is overseen by the archdiocesan Safe Environment Program Manager.

► Has BSA changed its youth protection requirements?

No.  This change within the Archdiocese of Milwaukee does not signal any change in the requirements of BSA or any other organization.



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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408