Reflecting on the Spiritual Works of Mercy
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Instruct the Ignorant

Scripture Reflection |
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to all creation." (Mk. 16:1)

Invitation to Prayer |
Lord, give me the strength and the zeal to explain the faith to those who are confused, don’t fully understand, or have misconceptions. Give me the words to share your truth with great love.

For Personal Reflection |
Who has God placed in my life who needs to know more about Jesus and the Catholic faith?

Counsel the Doubtful

Scripture Reflection |
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you...Let not your hearts be troubled..." (Jn. 14:27)

Invitation to Prayer |
Lord, give me your wisdom so that I can speak words of comfort and courage to those in doubt and despair. Let me be your instrument of love, encouragement, strength, and hope.  

For Personal Reflection |
When have I experienced doubt in God’s presence and power, and how did those experiences lead me into deeper faith and trust?

Admonish Sinners

Scripture Reflection |
"...there will be more joy in Heaven at the repentance of one sinner than at ninety-nine of the righteous who had no need of repentance." (Lk. 15:7)

Invitation to Prayer |
Lord, you teach that for us to follow you, we must carry our cross. When I see sin happening around me, help me to walk the hard road of loving the sinner while urging the person to turn away from sin.

For Personal Reflection |
What are the sins happening around me? How can I lovingly encourage the people to turn toward the ways of God?

Bear Wrongs Patiently

Scripture Reflection |
"...Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you." (Lk. 6:27-28)

Invitation to Prayer |
Lord, give me the courage to persevere in joy and hope even when I am not treated fairly. Teach me how to imitate you in your patient endurance.

For Personal Reflection |
When I am treated wrongly, how can I “turn the other cheek” as Jesus calls us to?

Forgive Offenses Willingly

Scripture Reflection |
"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." (Mt. 6:12)

Invitation to Prayer |
Lord, forgive in me what I have felt unable to forgive. Please bless those who have hurt me and help me to treat them according to the dignity you gave them rather than as their actions may deserve.

For Personal Reflection |
Who have I harbored anger and resentment toward? How does God see them?

Comfort the Afflicted

Scripture Reflection |
"Come to me, all you grown weary and burdened, and I will refresh you." (Mt. 11:28)

Invitation to Prayer |
Lord, help me to be aware of those in my life who are struggling with pain or sorrow and who are in need of comfort. Help me to reach out to them with your compassion.

For Personal Reflection |
Who are the people in my life who are suffering? What might I say or do to bring them comfort?

Pray for the Living and the Dead

Scripture Reflection |
"Father, I desire that they, too, may be with me where I am..." (Jn. 17:24)

Invitation to Prayer |
Lord, as our common Creator and Savior, you bind us together as a family of sisters and brothers. Open my heart to pray for the needs and longings of your children wherever they may be.  

For Personal Reflection |
Who has asked me to pray for them? Who of the living or the dead most needs my prayers?




Rich Harter

Rosalita Villa
Administrative Assistant

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