Leadership to Families
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Leadership to Families

The Vatican II awards were established in 1991 to honor men, women and young adults who exemplify the Catholic Church’s vision set forth in the Second Vatican Council.

Vatican II Award for Leadership in Families

Past Recipients:

1991 - Kenneth and Pauline Vernon
1992 - Mary Roy McDonald, SSSF
1993 - John and Susan Plewa
1994 - Valeria and Acklen Banks
1995 - José and Ana Martínez
1996 - Miguel and Sonia Crespo
1997 - The Wachholz Family
1998 - David and Susan Sommers
1999 - Jim and Carol Hunt Ott
2000 - Steve and Carma Teasley
2001 - Pilar Gomez
2002 - Mary Matestic
2003 - Jacob and Tanya Keenan
2004 - Ismael and Esther Soto
2005 - Peggy and Henry Bowles
2006 - Anne Skowlund and Judie Meise
2007 - Jack and Cindy Weigel
2008 - Richard J. Fehring
2009 - Deacon Ralph W. Kornburger Jr.
2010 - Jennifer Christ
2011 - Zongcheng and Mayhoua Moua Family
2012 - Miguel and Susana Crespo, Jr.
2013 - Ramona and Humberto Delgado
2014 - Dr. Michael White
2015 - Deacon Mark and Jane Jansen
2016 - Sr. Janeth Vasconez Pazmino, fmy
2017 - David and Grace Urbanski
2019 - Bruce and Mary Words
2020 - Postponed due to COVID-19
2021 (June) - James Pankratz
2021 (September) - Rogelio (Roy) Salinas
2022 - Eloy Contreras
2023 - Cindi Petre

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St. Francis, WI 53235

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