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The Catholic Herald is the voice of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, inspiring, catechizing and evangelizing members of the Catholic community to live their faith.

Our mission is to provide a perspective on the news of the day as seen through the eyes of the Magisterium. We assist Catholics in engaging the culture with confidence in the saving and sanctifying Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Catholic News Service, serving since 1920 as a news agency specializing in reporting religion, is the primary source of national and world news that appears in the U.S. Catholic press. It is also a leading source of news for Catholic print and broadcast media throughout the world.

The Vatican Today includes the Fides News Agency, L'Osservatore Romano, the press office, VIS, Vatican Radio, CTV, and From the Pope.

ZENIT offers a view of the "world seen from Rome," with news of the Pope, the Vatican and the Catholic Church.