Gifts That We Will Bring To The Manger | December 3, 2024
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Gifts That We Will Bring To The Manger | December 3, 2024

This is Advent, the liturgical season of preparation.

Archbishop Listecki

Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki
Archbishop of Milwaukee


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Most coaches will tell you that they get a sense of their team’s likely game day performance in how well players prepare. Some directors of plays or musicals also say the final dress rehearsal will often indicate the readiness of the actors to perform at their best. Preparation is essential to putting our best efforts forward.

This is Advent, the liturgical season of preparation. It is an opportunity to sharpen our spiritual abilities and to incorporate the celebration of the great mystery of the Incarnation — Christ, the Son of God, becoming man. This profound mystery opens the gates of heaven through the redemptive action of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

We will use these four weeks of preparation to move us to Christmas. Our preparation will include prayer, charitable works, Reconciliation, and the Eucharist. These spiritual activities will be our gifts that we will bring to the manger. Our preparation should not only concentrate on Jesus who came 2,000 years ago in the little town of Bethlehem, but it should also be a reminder that Jesus will come again — this time to sit in judgment of all of us.

It is so much easier to receive Him when we have prepared for His return. When we live in gratitude for the gifts that God has given to us, we understand that all we possess comes from God and is to be used to give Him glory. Our preparation helps us to understand that He is with us and to be aware of His presence in our lives every day. We are the servant in the Gospel entrusted with talents. We know the King will return and will hold us accountable. If we prepare using the talents He has given us, we will be blessed to hear Him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant — come into the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world.’

During Advent, we prepare for Christmas — a time of celebrating His coming into the world, but also a reminder that He will return and hold us accountable to His command to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.



Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki

Archbishop of Milwaukee          

Note: This blog originally appeared as the December 3, 2024, "Love One Another" email sent to Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee by Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki. If you are interested in signing up for these email messages, please click here.

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