Part of the Family | August 23, 2022
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Part of the Family | August 23, 2022

The retreat is a welcomed interruption in the busyness of life, giving us an opportunity to listen to a retreat director’s insights and challenge our personal lives to grow in the Lord Jesus.

Archbishop Listecki

Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki
Archbishop of Milwaukee


As I prepare this week’s Love One Another (LOA), I am literally packing for the Region VII Bishops’ Retreat which will take place at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House on the grounds of St. Mary of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein, Illinois. I spent 25 years of my life at this seminary, but I left over 22 years ago. The physical beauty of Mundelein Seminary is unparalleled, and it is always an “eye candy” treat to return.

I have always participated in the yearly Region VII Bishops’ Retreat. Many would believe that as bishops, we are in constant contact with one another. But the truth is that, apart from some critical issues, we rarely have an opportunity to share our thoughts, and certainly never in an informal setting. This retreat offers us an opportunity to exchange ideas, support one another, reminisce, and praise the good works happening in our archdiocese or diocese.

We are blessed in Wisconsin to have bishops who not only work well together, but truly like one other. At an ad limina (visit to Rome) during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI as the metropolitan, I remarked to the pope that not only do we work well together, but we like each other. He smiled and said, “Wonderful not only collegiality but fraternity.” Having been a bishop for over 22 years, I have a working relationship with almost every bishop in Region VII, and a number I had as students when teachings Moral Theology and Canon Law at Mundelein Seminary. I now must pay for the “sins” of my teaching life and “suffer” the memories of classroom antics.

The retreat is a welcomed interruption in the busyness of life, giving us an opportunity to listen to a retreat director’s insights and challenge our personal lives to grow in the Lord Jesus. A theme that I always carry into a retreat is gratitude. I have been blessed to have been a part of great communities of faith; during my tenure, I encountered some wonderful people who have witnessed their faith. Because of their witness, I have grown in my love for the Church.

During my talk at the 25th anniversary of my priesthood, I proudly said, “I love the Church.” I explained that it was not the brick and mortar that I loved, although sometimes very beautiful, or the programs, which could be very exciting. No, it is the people who have made me feel like family wherever I find myself in the world.

Some of these individuals have become life-long friends, while others I met just for a brief time, and still others have gone home to God. They have all had a profound impact on my life, and I know that they were placed in my life by God because with them I was able to celebrate His presence. They have been embedded in my heart and memories forever, and during the retreat, I will resurrect those experiences and realize how blessed and enriched my life has been.

My LOA friends, I include you in my prayers. You give me a gift in reading this LOA, and I am grateful for the comments you write or convey to me in person. You are part of the family which is the Church. Please offer a Hail Mary during your daily prayer for the success of the Region VII Bishops’ Retreat. After all, we are joined together by a common brother, Jesus, who tells us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.  

Note: This blog originally appeared as the August 23, 2022 "Love One Another" email sent to Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee by Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki. If you are interested in signing up for these email messages, please click here.

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