Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki
Archbishop of Milwaukee
Today, June 29, is the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. These two figures assisted in forming the foundation of the Faith. Rightfully, the two statues located in the square of St. Peter are depictions of them – Peter is depicted with keys, as Jesus said to him: “I will give you the keys of the kingdom; whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.” Paul is depicted with a sword, for he was a great persecutor of the early Christians, but eventually became the great promoter of the Faith.
It is hard to imagine that from these two individuals a world religion emerged and has spanned the globe. At the time of the Crucifixion, Peter’s actions would be far short of his boastful professions, as he listened to the cockcrow after denying the Lord three times. Paul was intent on eradicating this fledgling religious cult and the resurrected Jesus chastised him, saying, “Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?” However, both demonstrated their confidence in the Lord, knowing he possessed the words of eternal life.
Many movements die with the death of their charismatic leader. The followers may maintain an allegiance to the memory of the leader for a short time, but cultural shifts and lack of interest in a historical figure often cause its demise. However, Christianity professed a living resurrected Jesus. Yes, Jesus is historical; but He is also the incarnational presence of God. Jesus is divine, and His message transcends cultural shifts. His presence is alive in worship, word, and the living profession of the believers.
Those who followed Peter and Paul continued to demonstrate their adherence to the Truth, even with the shedding of their blood, which is the ultimate testimony to the Faith. The task continues to be the same: that we fashion ourselves as other Christs in the world.
The feast of Saints Peter and Paul also holds a special place in my memories. It is on this day that the newly announced archbishops of the world go to Rome and receive the pallium from the Pope.
“The pallium is a sacred vestment symbolic of the fullness of episcopal authority. It is an inch-wide white wool circular band ornamented with six small crosses with a pendant strip attached in the front and another behind, worn about the neck, breast, and shoulders of the Pope and archbishops. Made from the wool of two lambs blessed in the Church of St. Agnes in Rome. When granted to a bishop a pallium is purely ornamental …It is an outward sign of unity with the Holy See.” (Modern Catholic Dictionary, J. Hardon S.J.)
There were 39 archbishops named in 2010 who came to Rome to receive the pallium from Pope Benedict XVI. We individually knelt before the Pope as he placed the pallium on each one of us. Then, we concelebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with the Pope at the altar of the baldachino in St. Peter’s Basilica. Many family and friends from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee comprised the group gathered for the occasion. Together, we feasted and toured the Eternal City where Peter and Paul shed their blood and conquered the city for Christ.
Peter and Paul loved Jesus and they knew that because of Him they should teach others to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Note: This blog originally appeared as the June 29, 2021 "Love One Another" email sent to Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee by Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki. If you are interested in signing up for these email messages, please click here.