Love for Our Church | April 20, 2021
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Love for Our Church | April 20, 2021

We are so blessed to have the gift of the Church. I think of the wonderful people and friendships that have enriched my life.

Archbishop Listecki

Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki
Archbishop of Milwaukee


Last Tuesday night, friends gathered to share testimonies to Catholic Education. Cardinals James Harvey and Timothy Dolan, Bishop Donald Hying, and I reminisced of our Catholic school days. I could not help but reflect on the wonderful friendships that have been created through our mutual love for the Church. Our common experiences drew us together and created a bond that was cemented by our personal friendship in the Lord Jesus Christ. Even Portia Young, our program host, resonated with our experiences, even though she is much younger.

We are so blessed to have the gift of the Church. I think of the wonderful people and friendships that have enriched my life. My age is probably forcing me to look back with greater consistency, but in doing so, I see God’s hand in the work entrusted to me. Cardinal Dolan and I go back a few years. We were ordained bishops by St. John Paul II only six months apart. We proudly claim that we are John Paul II bishops.

I believe that we were most blessed to have Cardinal Dolan’s direction in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for seven years. He led the Archdiocese during some trying times and his faith and personality kept spirits high and created an environment of hope. He was the Metropolitan when I was in La Crosse, and I observed his care for the clergy and laity. You cannot picture Cardinal Dolan without a smile, which depicts his confidence in the Church and training as a Church historian.

Several times during the program, it was said that no one loves the Archdiocese more than James Cardinal Harvey. I knew Fr. Harvey when I was studying in Rome in 1979, but we did not become friends until my ordination to the episcopate. Cardinal Harvey was part of the papal household and later directed the affairs of two popes, St. John Paul II (who made Cardinal Harvey a bishop and archbishop) and Pope Benedict (who made him a Cardinal).

After my appointment to Milwaukee in 2010, I became acutely aware of Cardinal Harvey’s love for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Many times, the interest of a priest who serves the larger Church for years diminishes his knowledge of his home diocese. I was amazed at the knowledge of all things Milwaukee by Cardinal Harvey. I can tell you that my knowledge of Milwaukee comes from Fr. Steve Avella’s two-volume history, Fr. James Lobacz’s anecdotal stories, and the extensive memory of Cardinal Harvey. Every summer upon his return home, I receive his historical tutorial. He has become a dear friend and a major supporter of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

The new bishop of Madison is no stranger to the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He is the former auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese and has developed and used his talents for the good of the Church. Bishop Hying would joke that he fulfilled one of my wishes as an Archbishop, which was to ordain a bishop. He was appointed a bishop by Pope Benedict XVI in 2011. I have since ordained three other bishops: Jeff Haines, James Schuerman, and James Powers, the bishop of Superior.

I lamented when Bishop Hying was appointed to Gary, Indiana. We formed a great working relationship and true friendship, and I knew that this talented bishop would soon have his own diocese. I am so glad that he has returned to Wisconsin. His connections to the Archdiocese have never ceased and he attempts, with a generous heart, to fulfill various requests for his spiritual insights that I know make a demand on his limited time.

I first met Portia Young at a Catholic Schools dinner when I was appointed as the Archbishop of Milwaukee. A talented media celebrity, it was obvious to me that Portia was a dedicated Catholic, willing to assist the Church in its needs. I have since encountered Portia several times as a true servant leader. Her children attend Catholic school, and she continues to be a source of support for the Church.

I reflect on these four wonderful examples of friends created by our love for the Church and our desire to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.     


Note: This blog originally appeared as the April 20, 2021 "Love One Another" email sent to Catholics throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee by Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki. If you are interested in signing up for these email messages, please click here.

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