The Branches 03-25-2025
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The Branches 03-25-2025

Catholic education—the heart of the Catholic mission.

Make known to me your ways, Lord; teach me your paths.
Guide me by your fidelity and teach me, for you are God my savior, for you I wait all the day long.
 (Psalm 25:4-5)




March 25, 2025

Hello Everyone –

On March 11, 2025, nearly 800 people gathered at the Baird Center in Milwaukee to celebrate our Catholic schools here in the archdiocese. It was a jubilant gathering in support of the tremendous work being done by so many generous and like-minded people. A true blessing of this local Church.

Over four hours, we gathered to celebrate the Eucharist, honor six teachers with the Catholic Herald Teacher of the Year Award, partake in many conversations, share a meal, and bestow on a community member, an educator and a priest the Elizabeth Ann Seton Award. The excitement was palpable and the love for Catholic education was tangible.

At the end of the evening, I had the opportunity to make the following remarks:

From the time the announcement was made that I would become the 12th Archbishop of Milwaukee, I have been filled with gratitude for so many blessings.  Among those blessings is the reason we gather here this evening.

I have the tremendous, good fortune of stepping into a rich legacy of Catholic education and a Catholic school system spanning many, many years.

This legacy has only been enhanced by the diligent efforts of Archbishop Jerome Listecki and all who have collaborated with him over the past 15 years.

I could not be more excited to step into the role as archbishop at this particular moment in time and lend my hand to the work already being done — to help grow it — and to see it strengthened — fully aware of the sacrifices that are made on a daily basis in order to sustain our Catholic schools.

You may ask why — what is the source of my excitement. It’s quite simple, actually. Catholic education has always been at the heart of the Catholic mission. Catholic education and the students who are the product of it have been called one of the “greatest works of the Church.” And so they are.

Catholic school graduates possess the potential of being leaven in our society, tasked with helping the broader community to be the best that it can be.

And at the risk of being slightly critical — our communities — our society — definitely need a shot in the arm when it comes to the truth that rests at the heart of our Catholic faith. Now more than ever the person of Jesus Christ and the Gospel values he came to share are needed to be a beacon of hope and the means by which we transform our current reality.

So, please join with me in continuing the good being brought about by our Catholic schools and everyone associated with them.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us and intercede for our Catholic schools.

As I do for you, please pray for me,

Most Reverend Jeffrey S. Grob
Archbishop of Milwaukee



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