The Branches 01-28-2025
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The Branches 01-28-2025

Works of charity and kindness must prevail.


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb 13:8)



January 28, 2025

Hello Everyone –



[Just in case you’re wondering — the dust continues to settle, and I have unearthed about 72 percent of what I packed for the move north. Mom is ahead of the game at about 86 percent. She’s always been a high achiever.]

Although the homily I delivered at the Mass of Installation was printed in its entirety in the January 23, 2025, edition of the Catholic Herald, I am replaying a couple core segments here to reiterate what is on my heart and in doing so for us to envision collaboratively how to take up the challenges before us.

One of the things a farmer learns early in his agricultural career is the underlying truth couched in Lord Jesus’ own words when he said: “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.”

In order to plow a straight furrow, the worker must keep their sights focused — forward — not looking over one’s shoulder  — attentive to what is to come  — conscious of the circumstances taking place around them  — alert to what lies ahead.

I commit myself to work together alongside you as we look forward to the future — continuing to till the soil and care for the seed that has been planted — attentive to what has been passed on to us — recognizing that the Lord Jesus Christ is always and everywhere the firm foundation of anything we do that will last. This is our starting point.

As the son of a farming family, I learned from an early age critical lessons that shape the farmer’s way of being in the world among which are the following:

Life on the farm is intimately connected to the earth, and as a result, to all of creation. In the beginning, God created all things — saw that it was good — and continues to bless the created order.

Among God’s crowning works was the creation of the human person — made in the very image and likeness of God. Every human person bears that image and likeness! As a result, we must realize that every person possesses an inherent dignity which is to be respected and cared for regardless of how different he or she may be from you and me. No one should ever be summarily rejected regardless of how flawed the individual may appear or how grave the sinner.

Additionally, while at times highly independent in nature, the farmer eventually learns that it is more productive, and even necessary, to work together with neighboring farmers. Long days filled with hard work necessitate a spirit of cooperation in laboring as one rather than floundering in division. Polarization — suspicion born of fear — and hatred for the sake of hatred find no place in the heart of God or among Gospel values. In a world ever-increasing with contention, conflict, and destruction of the other, the works of charity and kindness must prevail.

There are more lessons to be shared — but let us start here for now.

As I do for you, please pray for me,

Most Reverend Jeffrey S. Grob
Archbishop of Milwaukee



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