Overview of NFP Methods/Listing of Local Instructors
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Get Started in NFP

Get Started: NFP Methods in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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  NFP allows a woman or couple to understand with great precision how to pinpoint the time of a woman’s ovulation even if she has irregular cycles.

Ovulation is the key: it determines a woman’s fertile window and informs a woman or couple if her cycle is healthy. Methods of charting your cycles based on observing signs of fertility have been designed to help you accurately identify what days you are fertile or infertile.

  For married couples, NFP can be used to achieve pregnancy and avoid pregnancy depending on what the couple has decided together.

Through NFP, couples learn their combined fertility and together determine if they want to avoid or achieve pregnancy; the biological knowledge through daily charting combined with the couple’s decision to achieve or avoid pregnancy inform when they choose to have intercourse.

  After the initial orientation and any necessary follow-up guidance sessions, charting only re- quires a few minutes each day, commitment, and communication.

In order for NFP to be effective in determining the time of ovulation, the woman or couple must commit to daily observa-tions and charting. This requires a few minutes out of each day- a commitment to observe 100% of the time and communicate your observations with your spouse or on your chart.

  There are four main biological signs, referred to as biomarkers, of fertility in a woman’s body: cervical mucus, basal body temperature, cervix position, and hormone production.

Mucus: during each menstrual cycle, women can feel a wet/slippery sensation that usually lasts a few days. A yellowish or clear discharge is noticed when a woman wipes herself with toilet paper. This discharge is a sign that ovulation is near. The texture and appearance of the mucus will change as ovulation approaches.

Temperature: A woman’s body temperature elevates on average 0.4 degrees after ovulation.

Cervix position: The cervix is positioned high, open and soft around the time of ovulation and low, closed and firm otherwise. With some guidance, women can learn to tell the difference for their own bodies.

Hormonal production: Around the time of ovulation, two key hormones are produced: luteinizing hormone and estrogen. These can be detected in your urine with a simple at-home test.

Natural Family Planning methods have been created based on these various biomarkers.



List of Providers in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

If you are an NFP provider and your information below needs updating, please email franket@archmil.org

Creighton Model


  • Ruth Lisak, BSN, RN, FCPI: 630-999-0485; ruthannlisak@gmail.com website

Elm Grove

  • Jackie Schabold, PharmD, FCP: 773-759-6225; VisitationFertilityCare@gmail.com website


  • Mary Gilpin, FCP: 414-795-8934; wscmil12@gmail.com


  • Teresa Borer, MA, FCII: 262-716-9698; teresa.e.borer@gmail.com website
  • Kelci Karstens, FCP: 507-514-0638; cornerstonecycles26@gmail.com website
  • Alli Holverson, FCP: allilholverson@gmail.com website

Marquette Method


  • Laurie Walsh, RN: 262-770-4133; lauriebwalsh@gmail.com


  • Susana Crespo, RN: 414-288-3856; Susana.1.Crespo@marquette.edu


  • Anne Sherman, FNP, APNP: 414-367-6376 qualityinsights@sbcglobal.net


Couple to Couple League- SymptoThermal Method

Upcoming Classes

West Bend

  • Tom and Amanda Ramthun: 262-707-3018; amandaramthun@gmail.com


FEMM Method


  • Mia Marcotte 480-316-3728; miajmarcotte@gmail.com
  • Lauren Roach: 817-600-3970; lauren.femm@gmail.com


  • Janet Garcia: 651-785-8192; janet.ej.garcia@gmail.com


Hospitals offering NFP Instruction

Columbia-St. Mary's Women's Hospital (2323 North Lake Drive, Milwaukee).
Call 414-585-1750 to register. Programs offered: Marquette Model.


Online Options

Northwest Family Services: http://nwfs.org/couples-a-singles/natural-family-planning.html

Online fertility care resource: www.managingyourfertility.com







Contact Us


Tori Franke
Natural Family Planning Coordinator


Doug Ulaszek
Associate Director of Evangelization & Catechesis
 Adult & Family


Natural Family Planning Movie

Check out the 30-minute video featuring local couples, doctors and priests that explains why and how Natural Family Planning makes sense from practical, health and religious perspectives.





Models and Methods


Creighton Model Fertility Care (and NaPro Technology) 

www.creightonmodel.com; www.popepaulvi.com

Learn how to identify ovulation based on changes in cervical mucus. Tiered one-on-one meetings with an instructor and standardized observation and recording of biological markers. Medical protocols for women’s health concerns and infertility, via NaPro Technology.

  • Observed biomarkers: cervical mucus
  • Best if you prefer standardized observations and one-on-one meetings, and/or health or infertility concerns

Marquette Model 


With a fertility monitor, measure hormone levels in urine to determine a woman’s window of fertility. Purchase the fertility monitor and attend introductory classes to understand the method. Fertility monitor information can be used in conjunction with other biological indicators of fertility.

  • Observed biomarkers: urinary hormones, (optional) cervical mucus and/or basal body temperature
  • Best if you prefer using a monitor to measure hormone levels and an algorithm to achieve or avoid pregnancy

FEMM - Fertility Education Medical Management


Streamlined instruction incorporates recognizing cervical mucus changes and cycle patterns to understand a woman’s hormonal health. Clients have the option to also include hormonal level testing via luteinizing hormone test strips during ovulatory phase. Three introductory lessons with a certified instructor are paired with continued web-based support. Referrals provided for medical management in addressing overall or specific hormonal health concerns.

  • Observed biomarkers: cervical mucus and (optional) hormonal level strip testing
  • Best if you prefer learning about hormonal health, introductory lessons with an instructor paired with ongoing web-based support, or fully online option

Couple to Couple League: The Sympto-Thermal Method 


Relies on changes in body temperature and observations of cervical mucus to determine time of ovulation. New couples learn from trained couples practicing the sympto-thermal method. Mucus signals the approach of ovulation and fertile days end when basal body temperature rises.

  • Observed biomarkers: cervical mucus and basal body temperature, (optional) cervix position
  • Best if you prefer cross-referencing multiple signs of fertility to determine ovulation

The Billings Ovulation Method                                                                                                                                                             

Natural methods of family planning are by definition those which take advantage of the biological fact that women are at most times infertile throughout the whole of the reproductive phase of their lives. The days of infertility when it is impossible for an act of intercourse to cause conception are more numerous than fertile days when conception is possible. Abstinence from genital contact during the days of possible fertility is required for the avoidance of pregnancy in all natural methods. They do not involve drug taking nor the use of any appliances, and acts of sexual intercourse are always normal.

A Billings Ovulation Method online NFP course is offered through the Archdiocese of Chicago at www.learnNFPonline.com. This class is also now available in Spanish. Visit www.aprendePFNenlinea.com for more information.

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

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