Parish Formation Committees
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Parish Formation Committees

Resources for formation commissions, committees, clergy and council members..

Christian Formation Committees

Christian Formation CommitteesIn the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, the pastoral council of each parish is to have a Formation Commission or Committee to provide guidance and support for the formational mission of the parish. This is a standing committee of the pastoral council that collaborates with the pastor and staff on programs of evangelization and catechesis.  The members help develop and promote opportunities for lifelong faith formation aimed at personal conversion and growth in faith.

The commission may have another name, such as Christian Formation Committee, Religious Education Commission or Lifelong Faith Formation Committee.

Resources from Office for Parish Councils:

  Parish Commissions & Committees Manual

  Archdiocese of Milwaukee Parish Pastoral Council Norms


Personnel Resources


Hiring a Catechetical Leader

Process for Hiring for a DRE or DYM Position
Sample Interview Questions
Guidelines for Recruitment, Interviewing, Selection

Sample Job Descriptions for Catechetical Leaders

Director/Coordinator of Religious Education/Faith Formation/Youth Ministry
Director of Youth Ministry
Director of Religious Education 1
Director of Religious Education 2
Director of Faith Formation
Parish Catechetical Leader
Religious Education Secretary


Places to List Position Openings

Archdiocese of Milwaukee Jobs Webpage
Catholic Herald - Classified Ads
Nearby Dioceses - Green BayMadison,  Chicago
NFCYM Youth Ministry Job Listing
NALM Career Center
Links to Other Ministry Websites

Employee Handbook

Components of Employee Handbook
Personnel Guidelines and Resource Guide




Role of the Parish

The parish is the preeminent place for the catechesis of adults, youth, and children. "Knowledge of the faith, liturgical life, the following of Christ are all a gift of the Spirit which are received in prayer, and similarly a duty of spiritual and moral study and witness..." Pastors have the duty to provide catechesis; parishioners have a reciprocal duty to participate in and support the catechetical activities of the parish. Parish catechetical efforts should be in harmony with the catechetical goals and objectives of the diocese.
-Nat'l Directory of Catechesis, 228-229

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The Archdiocese of Milwaukee

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3300
Toll-Free: (800) 769-9373
Fax:  (414)  769-3408