Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s
Catechetical Conference
August 22-24, 2024
Mary Mother of the Church Pastoral Center
"The saint is the one who is so fascinated by the beauty of God and by his perfect truth that he is progressively transformed by it."
~Pope Benedict XVI
We're changing things up a bit this year! Based on feedback from past conferences and Archbishop's desire to see all our catechetical leaders, we've given greater focus to each day of the conference. We've also done our best to lower the cost for more people to attend! (Note: if your parish needs help with registration costs, let us know! Aid is available.)
The "main event" for Parish Catechetical Staff is Friday, August 23, which includes anyone who serves in a staff capacity at any parish in the Archdiocese (serving children, teens, families adults, and anyone else!). This day will feature our conference keynote speaker, Bill Donaghy of the Theology of the Body Institute, as well as Mass with Archbishop Listecki, updates from our offices, workshops, exhibitors, and networking. We'd love to see all parish catechatical staff on this day, even if it's the only day you can attend!
If you'd like more formation, networking, and exhibitor time, please join us on Thursday, August 22 for a day of workshops. We'll have lots of deeper topics, including a full day on RCIA, "basic training" in catechetical work (if you're new or just want an update), serving individuals with special needs, and a whole lot more.
Finally, to help you form and train your core teams, leaders, and catechists, join us on Saturday, August 24. We're keeping this day the same as the past with keynotes, basic and advanced workshops for childhood, youth, and adult formation
See you next year!