Council of Priests

The purpose of this organization is to assist the archbishop of Milwaukee in his pastoral governance of the archdiocese.

It is concerned with matters pertaining to the presbyterate of the archdiocese as well as the broad range of issues affecting the archdiocese and the Church nationally and internationally. It collaborates with the archbishop's other advisory and consultative groups as he may direct or as is helpful to the council's purpose.

The council is comprised of Deanery Representatives (elected by the priests in their deaneries), other priest members appointed by the archbishop and ex-officio members.

2023-2024 Council of Priests

Archbishop Jeffrey S. Grob (2025 to present)

Most Reverend James Schuerman
Most Reverend Jeffrey Haines
Very Reverend Phillip Bogacki, Moderator of the Curia
Very Reverend Nathan Reesman, Vicar for Clergy

Dodge / Washington
Reverend Jacob Strand

Fond du Lac / Sheboygan
Reverend Nathaniel Miniatt

Reverend Todd Belardi

Milwaukee NW
Reverend Pat Nelson, SDS

Milwaukee SE
Reverend Javier Bustos

Milwaukee SW
Reverend Kevin McManaman

Ozaukee / Milwaukee NE
Reverend Carlos Londono

Reverend Steve Varghese

Reverend Ray Guthrie

Waukesha East
Reverend Andrew Linn

Waukesha West
Reverend Andy Kysely

Reverend Michael Bertram, OFM Cap
Reverend Ralph Gross
Reverend John Hemsing
Reverend Patrick Heppe
Very Reverend Luke Strand

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