Vicars, Delegates, and Deans

Vicar General, Episcopal Vicars, and Delegates

To assist the archbishop with his role in governance, a Vicar General, Episcopal Vicars, and Delegates are appointed. 

Very Reverend Phillip Bogacki, Vicar General & Moderator of the Curia
Very Reverend Nathan Reesman, Vicar for Clergy
Very Reverend James Lobacz, Vicar for Senior Priests
Very Reverend David Reith, Vicar for Catholic Charities
Very Reverend Timothy Kitzke, Vicar for Urban Ministry 
Very Reverend Juan Manuel Camacho Porras, Vicar for Hispanic Ministry

Reverend Jerome Herda, Archdiocesan Delegate for Parishes (Milwaukee Southwest and Milwaukee Southeast Deaneries) 
Reverend Ricardo Martin, Archdiocesan Delegate for Parishes (Kenosha, Racine, Walworth County Deaneries) 
Reverend Javier Bustos, Archdiocesan Delegate for Healthcare

Deans (Vicars Forane)

A dean is a priest who represents the archbishop in a geographic region of the archdiocese. The dean exercises general supervision over the region. In conjunction with the Vicar for Clergy, he shows special care and concern for the clergy of the region. He encourages collaboration. Following the principle of subsidiarity (decisions are best made at the most appropriate level), the dean will help to deal with matters on a local level before they are brought to the appropriate person(s) in archdiocesan administration. The dean also will perform specific tasks which the archbishop delegates to him.

Very Reverend Richard Stoffel

Fond du Lac/Sheboygan
Very Reverend Ryan Pruess

Very Reverend Robert Weighner

Ozaukee/Milwaukee Northeast
Very Reverend Enrique Hernandez

Milwaukee Northwest
Very Reverend Peter Patrick Kimani

Milwaukee Southeast
Very Reverend Carmelo Giuffre

Milwaukee Southwest
Very Reverend Michael Merkt

Very Reverend Juan Camacho Porras

Very Reverend James Volkert

Waukesha East
Very Reverend Dennis Saran

Waukesha West
Very Reverend Anthony Zimmer

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